The Resoh Chair team
The research is conducted by a team of teacher-researchers and doctoral students, mixing sociologists and managers.
Permanent members
- Stéphanie Tillement, Associate Professor, IMT Atlantique, in charge of RESOH 3 Chair, full member of the Chair since its creation in 2012.
Stéphanie Tillement is a senior lecturer in sociology at IMT Atlantique and a researcher at the LEMNA laboratory. Her research focuses on organizational reliability, complex project management, and decision-making & innovation processes related to the nuclear sectors of the future. She teaches in the DEMIN and DEMIN* (Nuclear Engineering) courses as well as in the Erasmus Mundus Master's program "Nuclear Engineering".
- Geoffrey Leuridan, Associate Professor, IMT Atlantique, full member of the Chair since 2020.
Associate Professor in Management Science at IMT Atlantique and researcher at LEMNA, his research focuses on the study of organizational resilience and reliability in extreme contexts, as well as on organizational and human factors in industrial safety.
- David Dahan, PhD Student in management science, IMT Atlantique-LEMNA.
Associate researcher
- Jérémy Eydieux, Associate Prof. at Grenoble INP, former PhD student of the Chair.
- Frédéric Garcias, Associate Prof. at Université de Lille.
Administrative assistant