Joint laboratories

9 joint laboratories

A mode of collaboration with an industrial partner that offers many advantages for tackling problems requiring medium and long-term efforts (4 to 5 years or more).

Whether these joint laboratories have their own premises or whether they use the joint premises of the parties involved, these laboratories constitute strong structures linking the public and private sectors.


  • Lab'Optic, created in 2024, is the fruit of a longstanding collaboration between 3 engineering schools : ENIB, ENSSAT, IMT Atlantique and the company Orange, This joint laboratory is dedicated to optical telecommunications, and among the 3 priority areas of research, around twenty researchers will be working on increasing the transmission capacity of optical transport networks for the Internet.
  • Lab.SCHC with Actility, the reference solution provider in industrial connectivity solutions for massive IoT for low-power , low-bandwidth connectivity (LPWAN or Low-Power Wide Area Networks), and IMT Atlantique have today unveiled their new joint laboratory focused on the international standard SCHC (Static Context Header Compression - pronounced "chic"), an Internet technology invented within the SRCD laboratory of IMT Atlantique in 2012 and now prevailing globally. This initiative will significantly enhance Actility's capabilities.
  • ADMIRE ("Distributed deep learning for the classification of Multimodal, Uncertain and Rare data in ophthalmology"), selected as a LabCom in 2019 by the ANR, strengthens the collaboration of the laboratory LaTIM Inserm UMR1101/UBO with the company Evolucare Technologies. The purpose of the partnership is to develop innovative algorithms for the screening of various ocular pathologies or those visible through the eye (heart disease, neuropathies, etc.); algorithms that respect the privacy rights of patients.
  • ATOL (Aeronautics Technico-Operational Laboratory): Started in 2005, it is a joint laboratory dedicated mainly to Man-Machine Interface prototyping with, as partners, the Ecole Navale, Thalès Systèmes Aéroportés and Thales Underwater Systems .
  • CRC-Lab with the company 4S Network and its subsidiary CRC Services, financed by the ANR, aims to optimize freight transport in the presence of hazards. This laboratory will use operations research and data science techniques to improve the CoLivRi platform, the transportation network management tool developed by CRC Services. The laboratory will be housed at the DAPI (LS2N modelis team).
  • LATERAL (Labsticc Thales researchalliance on Smart On-board Sensor ) with Thales-active 3D antennas for new generations of RF autosteering based on new additive technologies.
  • SEPEMED (SEcurity & Processing of Externalized MEdical image Data), a joint laboratory with the MEDECOM Company and the LaTIM Inserm UMR 1101/IMT Atlantique, and, from 2016 to 2018, labeled LabCom by the ANR , addresses the key issues of data security and information processing and communication in the field of health, necessary for the deployment of telemedicine and the "Medical Cloud".
  • TESMARAC The SUBATECH laboratory (UMR 6457 of the CNRS, IMT Atlantique, University of Nantes), and the company TRISKEM INTERNATIONAL have created this joint laboratory (LabCom) with the support of the French National Research Agency (ANR) to develop new resins and new methods for separating radioisotopes, particularly in complex media. The challenges for the TESMARAC LabCom are the classification and management of radioactive waste, the revalorization of materials, the evaluation of the impact of radioactivity on humans and the environment, and the manufacture of radionuclides for medical purposes (diagnostics and therapy).
  • Lab-CIS is a joint laboratory of IMT Atlantique and the global engineering group SEGULA Technologies.

    Its objective is to study and develop new technologies in the fields of the environment and renewable energy. It reinforces a partnership of several years on the storage of energy by compression of air by liquid piston, within the framework of the REMORA project,  and opens it to new problems in the field of fluid treatment.