Platforms of Excellence for the Industry of the Future

IMT Atlantique has built a network of technical and service platforms in the energy, environment and digital life sectors, which are the three pillars of its training and research. These platforms are supported, for the most part, by teaching and research departments.

The platforms are open to a variety of partnerships (for example, access to testing facilities, expertise, software design, technological manufacturing, project development, etc). They are intended to be a real accelerator of know-how and technology transfer, particularly in the field of the industry of the future.

With these goals in mind, the platforms offer varied and adapted modes of collaboration, with a large degree of flexibility when it comes to the management of industrial property in particular. Their main objective is to support industrial development, particularly of SMEs, through the transfer of know-how, training and familiarisation with the technologies and methods of the industry of the future.

F. Arago

François Arago Platform

Optical technologies for the industry of the future
Cobotics - Additive Printing - Mixed Reality - Embedded Artificial Intelligence


Plateforme Camel

Design and electromagnetic characterization for wireless technologies
Sensors for autonomous vehicles - Communicating objects - Telecom systems


Plateforme Choco

Describe and solve decision-making problems
A library for constraint satisfaction problems


Plateforme E-Sense

Bioinspired underwater robotics
An underwater robotics research platform dedicated to the study of a mode of bioinspired perception called electrical sensing.


Plateforme Experiment'Haal

Living Lab Health Autonomy
Home automation - Health Autonomy - Assistance Robotics - Embedded systems


Plateforme Mandjet

Energy management by the smart grids
Energy - Smartgrid - Nanogrid - Production - Storage - Consumption - Internet of Things


Plateforme Prever

Research and Study Platform on Energy Recovery from Residues
Turn your waste into energy


Plateforme SafeAir

A laboratory platform for the treatment of air toxics
Improving air quality


Plateforme Smart

Measurement and Analysis Service or Radioactivity and Trace Elements
Combine innovation with expertise !


Plateforme Tasm

Underwater Acoustic Transmission
Network deployment testing of underwater communications