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56 research project(s)
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Ongoing project
Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope

KM3NeT is a research infrastructure housing the next generation neutrino telescopes. Once completed, the telescopes will have detector volumes between megaton and several cubic kilometres of clear sea water. Located in the deepest seas of the Mediterranean, KM3NeT will open a new window on our Universe, but also contribute to the research of the properties of the elusive neutrino particles. With the ARCA telescope, KM3NeT scientists will search for neutrinos from distant astrophysical sources such as supernovae, gamma ray bursters or colliding stars. The ORCA telescope is the instrument for KM3NeT scientists studying neutrino properties exploiting neutrinos generated in the Earth's atmosphere. Arrays of thousands of optical sensors will detect the faint light in the deep sea from charged particles originating from collisions of the neutrinos and the Earth. The facility will also house instrumentation for Earth and Sea sciences for long-term and on-line monitoring of the deep sea environment and the sea bottom at depth of several kilometers.

more information on the official website, link at the bottom of the page

Horizon 2020
Ongoing project
Cybersecurity of Cloud infrastructures

Development of solutions for the major cybersecurity challenges specific to Cloud environments, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, applications and services.

Projet ANR
Ongoing project
A systemiC and Territorial approach to decarbonize activity areas with industrial ecology
France 2030
Ongoing project
New operating principles for liquid crystal displays

The main objective of the DISPLAY project is the development of a proof of concept of two demonstrators of a new energy-saving LCD technology that is based on the ultra-low elasticity recently discovered with bent-shaped liquid-crystalline compounds.

Projet ANR
Ongoing project
Model-Driven Evolution for Secured System

MODES focus on the secure evolution of complex software-intensive systems (e.g., smart factories, Cloud, IoT and AI based systems) that operate in uncertain, ever-changing environments. Any system may need to review its security with respect to a set of evolution events. Including: the emergence of new functional and non-functional requirements; execution context changes; configuration changes; Dealing with such evolution events in the aforementioned complex systems require a switch from the opportunistic and isolated evolution of system artefacts (architecture models, threat models, change management policies, formal verification models, etc.) to a process of planned evolution able to take into account the system as a whole. MODES fill this gap by proposing a new model-based evolution process capable of synchronizing security-related changes across the different artefacts representing a system, calculate impacts with respect to security properties and propose countermeasures.

Ongoing project
logo seed
Cofund SEED

SEED, which stands for Societal, Energy, Environmental, industrial and Digital transitions, is a 60-month interdisciplinary, international and intersectoral doctoral training programme offered by IMT Atlantique and co-funded by the European Union. The programme itself is designed to nurture four key dimensions: thesis interdisciplinarity, internationality, cross-sector experience, and promotion of innovation. It offers 40 fully funded early-stage researcher (ESR) positions within three different tracks. Each track builds on the same fundamental excellence trainings implementing a 4i approach (Interdisciplinarity, Internationality, Intersectorial, Innovation), while providing a different degree of mobility and focus:

Horizon Europe
Ongoing project
Horizon Europe
Ongoing project
Air isothermal compression technology for long term energy storage

Recognizing that current storage solutions are unable to stabilize enough the intermintent renewable energy production, new long term energy storage solutions are becoming mandatory. Current long-term energy storage is mainly provided by Pumped-Storage Hydroelectricity (PSH). Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) has appeared for decades as a credible alternative but its poor energy efficiency, the need of fossil fuels and the use of existing underground cavities as storage reservoirs have limited its development. Variations to CAES have shown low efficiency, losing a big percentage of energy as heat and mechanical losses. 

Since the 2010s, there is a strong revival of scientific and industrial interest on CAES, led by China and the European Union (EU). For the EU, leading the new generation of high-efficient, low climate-impact and long-term energy storage research, is key to increase its energy independency. 

Horizon Europe
Ongoing project
Logo du projet Accurate
Achieving resilience through manufacturing as a service, digital twins and ecosystems

MaaS to increase the European industry’s competitiveness

Horizon Europe
Ongoing project
System As A <collaborator

Issues in surgery can be related to collaboration problems such as miscommunication and misunderstanding. Analysis of these collaborative situations can be done by experts, but it is a long and complex process. Moreover, this approach does not allow for real-time analysis and feedback on the collaboration. Some recent approaches aim to assess and model the quality of collaboration using measures that can be computed in real-time (e.g., non-verbal, gaze, physiological data). Considering some of the challenges related to the evaluation and modeling of collaboration, the SAAC project aims to compute metrics in real-time to report on the quality of collaboration within a group. The ultimate goal of SAAC is for the system to be seen as a collaborating system by the team, able to interact with the team when detecting miscommunication or miscoordination to prevent some adverse events.

Projet ANR
Ongoing project
Logo CyberSecDome
An innovative Virtual Reality based intrusion detection, incident investigation and response approach for enhancing the resilience, security, privacy and accountability of complex and heterogeneous digital systems and infrastructures

The CyberSecDome project offers a proactive solution to protect digital infrastructures against cyber threats. It comprises four key elements: a digital infrastructure, digital twins, AI-powered security tools and a VR user interface. This approach ensures business continuity despite potential cyberattacks, facilitates safe training and testing, and enhances response capabilities through an interactive VR interface. Interconnected CyberSecDomes form a global network for effective collaboration, threat identification and comprehensive response strategies, while guaranteeing secure, privacy-friendly data exchange.

Horizon Europe
Ongoing project
V2X Cell Free massive MIMO Networks with Active RIS: From Analytical Optimization to Federated Machine Learning
Horizon Europe