France 2030
Approval no ANR-22-PEXM-0005-CAA
Start: 2022
End: 2029

This project aims to revolutionize data storage using DNA, offering long-term storage stability and ease of use. Faced with competition from North American consortia, the aim is to make French research an international leader in polymer-based storage. The project is spread over 7 years, with a budget of 20 million euros. It focuses on three major challenges: DNA synthesis, information compression and the exploration of new polymers. The 5-year objective is to achieve a DNA read/write cycle of 1 bit per second, enabling 10 GB of data to be stored in 24 hours. Demonstrators will be created for archiving, marking, computing and molecular engineering applications. The CNRS is coordinating this project involving over 20 interdisciplinary laboratories, with the aim of strengthening France's position in the national and European research communities.

Project background

The context of the project is based on the need to manage increasing quantities of data over long periods. Current tools are insufficient, leading to the exploration of alternative solutions. One promising solution is DNA data storage, which offers long-term stability and ease of use. However, faced with global competition, particularly from North American consortia, France's leading SMEs in this field are looking for alliances.

Project objective and relevance

The aim of the project is to position French academic and industrial research as a major player in the field of polymer storage, particularly DNA, on an international scale. The project aims to solve key technical challenges, notably by accelerating the DNA read/write cycle to one bit per second, making it possible to store 10 GB of data in 24 hours. This initiative is relevant because it addresses the growing need for data storage over long periods, exploiting DNA as a stable and cost-effective solution.


The MoleculArXiv project aims to develop a technology for storing information in the form of DNA. To achieve this, it is focusing on four major scientific challenges. The first challenge consists in perfecting DNA synthesis and reading, based on approaches dedicated to massive storage, so as to be able to generalize the use of this technology. This involves fields such as chemistry, genomics, microfluidics and microfabrication. The second is information compression, using fields such as computer science and nanotechnology. The aim is to reduce polymer synthesis costs and make decoding resistant to the noise generated by the biochemical process. The third focuses on the development of new polymers, whether synthetic or DNA-derived, by combining skills in chemistry, biology and computer science. On a more applicative level, MoleculArXiv aims to create tools for managing and securing DNA databases, and to demonstrate the interest of the underlying technologies in various applications such as data storage in DNA, stamping of objects or manufactured products, computation on DNA databases, and so on. The MoleculArXiv project is led by the CNRS as lead institution, and is headed by Marc ANTONINI, Executive Program Director (PED).

Calendrier du projet et attendus du projet MoleculArXiv

 MoleculArXiv project schedule and expectations

Expected results

The expected results of the PEPR project include the implementation of a molecular information storage infrastructure, mainly using DNA polymers. The project aims to overcome the main scientific challenges linked to DNA synthesis, information compression, security and the development of new polymers. It also plans to create demonstrators for various applications, including long-term data archiving, object tagging, computing and molecular engineering. PEPR plans to move towards high levels of technological maturity, as well as training young researchers specializing in the field. It aims to play an active role in the French and European scientific communities.

Role of the school and IMT partner schools

This project is led by Gouenou Coatrieux, Dpt. Data Science/ LaTIM Inserm UMR 1101 - CYBER HEALTH team, is part of WP4 - Applications. It aims to develop new security mechanisms at the bio-molecular level to meet needs in terms of traceability, integrity and confidentiality; needs that digital tools are unable to meet. Also involved in this project are Reda Bellafqira, Senior Lecturer, and Hélène Gasnier, PhD student.

Academic and industrial partners from France and abroad

The MoleculArXiv project involves 16 laboratories, including Gulliver, UMR3523, UMR3528, ICS, ICR, IGBMC, IS2M, LIMMS, LJP, LIP. However, as part of the "From digital data to bases" project, EURECOM, IRISA, I3S, IPMC, Lab-STICC and LaTIM are specifically involved.

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