Apply with IMT Atlantique and join us!
The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) provide funding to promising postdoctoral researchers with a view to develop their academic and transferable skills and enhance their career prospects by moving and working abroad.
By applying with IMT Atlantique you give yourself a chance to join a technological university ranked among the top 400 universities in the world (Top 201-250 for Computer Science, Top 251-301 for Engineering, Top 401-500 for Physical sciences (THE ranking), Top 101-150 for Management (Shangaï ranking)) and 65th to the THE Impact Rankings (2024). IMT Atlantique is also awarded with the “Bienvenue en France” label, a recognition delivered by Campus France for our capacity to welcome and host international researchers in the best working conditions.
By joining us, you will be supervised by top research leaders:
- 20 M€ of research funding every year
- 300 PhD students supervised,
- 800 publications with an average Field Weighted Citation Index of 1,45 between 2016 and 2021,
- 30 ongoing EU-funded projects,
- High connection with the industry (13 Industrial Chairs and 40 industrial partners), etc
You can apply if:
- You are an Experienced Researcher, i.e. in possession of a doctoral degree at the time of the call deadline and have got a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research, from the date of the award of your PhD degree.
- You comply with the mobility rule, i.e. you must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline (10 September 2025). All nationalities are welcome!
- You want to carry out innovative research: only the best proposals will be selected by the European Commission. All domains of research are eligible!
- You already have great achievements in research: The CV is an important criterion in the MSCA application.
Duration | 12 to 24 months |
Funding for the Postdoctoral Fellow's salary | Living allowance of € 7074* per month (gross amount, including social contributions and income tax) + Mobility allowance of € 710 per month (gross amount, including social contributions, but exempt from income tax) + If applicable, family allowance of € 660 per month (gross amount, including social contributions and income tax) *Taking into account the country coefficient for France: 118,1 % For more information on the calculation of the net salary in France, please refer to this short guide (attention: the amounts given in the examples are from 2023): |
Funding for research, training and networking (e.g. conferences, courses, travel, lab material…) | € 1 000 per month |
Training | Training portfolio on transferable skills, including a training module on innovative entrepreneurship |
Supervision | By (a) recognised expert(s) in the field (IMT Atlantique counts over 115 professors qualified to supervise research) |
Secondment | An interdisciplinary and/or intersectoral mobility (3 months up to 1/3 of the fellowship’s duration) is encouraged when relevant |
Useful links : MSCA Funding & tender opportunities & MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
Additional benefits:
The Postdoctoral Fellow will receive institutional support and guidance on language courses, accommodation, banking, daycare, schooling & family related issues, entry conditions/visas, health insurance, medical care, taxation/salaries, unemployment, work permit, etc. Accommodation in Brest, Nantes and Rennes can also be facilitated upon arrival, by the International Houses in these cities.
How to apply to MSCA fellowship with IMT Atlantique:
Step 1: Find a supervisor at IMT Atlantique (application before March 15th, 2025)
Pre-determined topics: If you apply to one or two research subject(s) provided by supervisors (please see table 2 below), please send us: 1) your CV and 2) a personal statement (maximum of 3 pages, free writing), which should include a personal introduction, qualifications and achievements, career development objectives, and general motivation.
OR Open topics: If you want to propose a research topic that is not on the list, please send us: 1) your CV; 2) a personal statement (see above); 3) a two-page work plan proposal.
Please send your application by email to and before 15 March 2025.
If your application is selected by a supervisor at IMT Atlantique (Feedback: End of March 2025), then, the next step would be to apply jointly for the MSCA PF call 2025, which will be launched by the European Commission in April 2025, with the deadline on 10 September 2025.
Step 2: Prepare the application to the MSCA PF
April 2025
- You will receive detailed information on MSCA PF from the European Project Manager at IMT Atlantique to start your proposal preparation
- You elaborate the research approach jointly with your supervisor(s) and the European Project Manager
May 2025
- You will receive a dedicated training session “Preparing for a Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship” + advice on institutional aspects and transversal issues (open science, gender, ethics and research data management…) + advice on how to write your proposal
June 2025
- One joint meeting (candidate for fellowship + supervisor(s) + European Project Manager at IMT Atlantique) for the proposal revision
July or August 2025
- One joint meeting (candidate for fellowship + supervisor(s) + European Project Manager at IMT Atlantique) for the proposal revision
September 2025
- One joint meeting (candidate for fellowship + supervisor(s) + European Project Manager at IMT Atlantique) for the proposal proofreading
- Administrative support for your MSCA PF application
- We submit your application for you on the EU Portal (deadline: 10 September 2025).
Liste of proposed topics and supervisor (full list available from 15 february 2025)
Atomistic computational modeling of materials for energy, environmental, and geoscience applications
Supervisor : Andrey G. KALINICHEV
Modelling and design of 3D nano-structured surfaces for industrial photonics applications
Supervisor : Kévin HEGGARTY
Two way shape memory polymer for reconfigurable optical or electrical smart surfaces
Supervisor : Alexandre KHALDI
Smartphone Multispectral Imaging and AI for Remote Detection of Latent Tuberculosis
Supervisors : Tinashe Mutsvangwa ; Vincent Nourrit ; Bessie Malila
our previous proposals :
Nuclear Reactor modeling
Supervisor : Lydie GIOT
Keywords: Reactor physics, decay heat, Molten salt reactors, Pressurized Water Reactors, nuclear safety, Monte Carlo methods, nuclear data, uncertainty propogation
Experimental investigations of parameters influencing microparticles resuspension in ventilated duct - Application to Indoor Air Quality control
Supervisors: Félicie Theron and Laurence Le Coq
Physico-chemical characterisation of particulate emissions from ships
Supervisors : Audrey VILLOT and Aurélie JOUBERT
Key words : BTEX, condensables, soots, emission factors for ships, analytical methodology, GC-MS
Sustainable advanced fuels and biorefineries
Supervisor : Sary AWAD
Keywords :Biofuels, Advanced sustainable fuels for aviation and maritime sectors, Thermochemical processes, biomass, organic wastes, plastic wastes, experimental and numerical approaches coupling
Influence of singularities in ventilated pipes on airflow patterns and their impact on filter loading - combined experimental / numerical approach
Supervisors: Aurélie JOUBERT and Félicie Theron
Keywords : indoor air treatment, ventilation systems, energy consumption, aerosol physics, fluid mechanics, pipe singularities, anemometry, CFD, filter clogging, fibrous media autopsy
High-Performance Computational Electromagnetics and Applications to Biomedical and Industrial Challenges
Supervisor : Adrien Merlini
keywords: computational electromagnetics, bioelectromagnetics, preconditioning, integral equations, brain imaging, fast solvers
Study and optimization of high rate pairing of ionization and scintillation signals produced by high energy gamma-rays with the XEMIS2 camera
Superviso : Dominique THERS
Keywords : particle detector; liquid xenon; Compton telescop; PET imaging; 3gammas imaging; Single high energy gamma imaging; Multimodality; gamma rays radiation control; small animal imaging; precision medicine; ionisation *//*chamber; Time Projection chamber; Photodetection; Embedded artificial intelligence.
Machine Learning for 6G-Era Smart Wireless Environments
Supervisors : Samir SAOUDI
et Mustapha Benjillali
Keywords : Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), Wireless Communications
Investigating multimodal perception for augmented humans and immersive technologies
Supervisor : Etienne PEILLARD
Keywords:augmented reality, virtual reality, perception and augmented vision, perceptual bias analysis, cognitive ergonomics and immersive systems
Réussite avec un programme Marie-curie : Heavy QGP
Contact :
Contacts : Julien PRUD’HOMME / Zhanna ZHUSSUPOVA
European Project Managers
Email: /
Tel: +33 2 51 85 81 16 / +33 2 29 00 15 23