To implement the principle of Open Access, IMT Atlantique is carrying out two types of actions:
1 - A reorientation of expenses towards associations, consortia or even publishers that promote open access and work on the transition from traditional editorial models to alternative open models
- For years, IMT Atlantique has been a member of the Couperin consortium, which negotiates electronic resources and supports open science.
- In 2018, IMT Atlantique does not renew the Springer subscription and concretizes its support to open access in favor of OpenEdition Freemium for Journals, a publisher that leads actions in favor of open access and open science.
- In 2019, IMT Atlantique will also join the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), a worldwide directory of open access journals.
2 - Internal actions, on the ground, to encourage researchers to make their publications open access by explaining the issues at stake.
As soon as it was created in 2017, the management of IMT Atlantique decided to create its Hal portal within the perimeter of the new school in order to archive all its scientific production and to disseminate it in open access when possible.
The objective of this operation is to move towards an exhaustiveness of IMT Atlantique's publications in the Hal portal, thus making the researchers' work visible, enhancing the school's scientific heritage and opening it to the scientific community.