The French Laboratory for research and innovation in digital science and technology. Mixed Research Center from CNRS (UMR 6074)
IRISA: presentation
Today, IRISA is one of the most largest French research laboratory (+ 850 people) in field of computer science and information technologies.
With seven departments, the laboratory focus is scientific priorities such as: bioinformatics, system security, new sofware architecture (Manycores, Cloud computing) and virtual reality. Areas explored include digital technology in the health, environmental, transport, multimedia and industrial sectors.
Located in Rennes, Lannion and Vannes, IRISA is at the heart of a rich regional ecosystem for research and innovation and is positioned as the reference in France with an internationally recognized expertise through numerous European contracts and international scientific collaborations.
Focused on the future of computer science and necessarily internationally oriented, IRISA is at the very heart of the digital transition of society and of innovation at the service of cybersecurity, health, environment and ecology, transport, robotics, energy, culture and artificial intelligence.
IRISA is a joint-venture resulting from the collaboration between nine institutions, in alphabetical order: CentraleSupélec, CNRS, ENS Rennes, IMT Atlantique, Inria, INSA Rennes, Inserm, Université Bretagne Sud, Université de Rennes.
From this collaboration is born a force that comes from women and men who give the best of themselves for fundamental and applied research, education, exchanges with other disciplines, transfer of know-how and technology, and scientific mediation
IRISA departments
Irisa is organised around seven thematic departments:
- D1: Large Scale Systems
Head of department: David BROMBERG (Professor Université de Rennes) - D2: Networks, Telecommunication and Services
Head of department: Géraldine TEXIER (Professor IMT Atlantique) - D3: Architecture
Head of department: Steven DERRIEN (Professor Université de Rennes) - D4: Language and Software Engineering
Head of department: Nicolas Markey (research director, CNRS) - D5: Virtual reality, virtual Humans, Interactions and Robotics
Head of department: Ludovic Hoyet ( Inria) - D6: Signal, Image, Language
Head of department: Damien LOLIVE (Professor Université de Rennes) - D7: Data and Knowledge Management
Head of department: Elisa FROMONT (Université de Rennes)
Since 2012, IMT Atlantique is member of IRISA
In 2012, three research teams from IMT Atlantique joined the IRISA laboratory: the IRISA. Today it is 5 research teams from the:"Network, telecommunications and services" department, with searcher from our departement The Department of Network Systems, Cyber Security and Digital Law (SCRD) the teams : ADOPNET, EASE, ERMINE, OCIF et SOTERN.