Apprenticeship engineer specialising in: Digital Transformation of Industrial Systems (DIT)


The Digital Transformation of Industrial Systems (FIT) engineering course taught through apprenticeship has been designed to train high-performance engineers capable of supporting industries in their digital transformation.

This course will be offered for the first time at the start of the 2020 academic year by IMT Atlantique on its Nantes campus in partnership with the ITII (Institute of Industrial Engineering Techniques) in the Pays de la Loire region.

The 3-year course is structured to meet the engineering education requirements of the ITII and IMT Atlantique:

  • Fundamental science education and social awareness
  • Alternation between university and company throughout the course (50% of the time in the company)
  • Mandatory 13-week international internship

Particular emphasis is placed on the transferability of skills acquired on the course:

  • Multidisciplinary technical training (automation, production engineering, computer science, energy, environment).
  • Social and Management Sciences

The training programme has been designed in close relationship with the professional stakeholders:
companies have been directly involved in designing the course in partnership with the university.

First year correspond to a last year of Bachelor followed by 2 years of Master.