Apprentice engineer specialising in: Computer science, Networks and Telecommunications
This IMT Atlantique apprenticeship programme is designed to train high-level, operational graduate engineers with a wide range of skills in computer science, networks and telecommunications. It prepares them for careers in both the architecture and engineering of information and communication systems and networks, as well as managerial and international functions.
The 500 or so engineers who have graduated since 2002 work in professions and functions with high technical and/or managerial responsibilities in all economic sectors, in France and abroad. Each year, 42 apprentice engineering positions are open to students who generally hold a 2-year technological diploma. Our apprentices come are from all regions of France, and some from abroad.
Provided in partnership with the ITII Bretagne (Brittany's Institute for Industrial Engineering Techniques), the training takes place over 3 years, with a balance between the university and the company, including an international internship of at least 9 weeks. With the exception of one month spent on the Rennes campus, teaching takes place on the Brest campus. The apprenticeship contract is signed with a company located in France, after the university has validated the professional context chosen by the apprentice.
Apprentices do not pay any fees or tuition. They receive a salary during the 36 months of training, depending on their age, the year of training, and the company's collective agreement. They have the same rights and duties as any other employee, in particular with regard to paid holidays. Training costs are financed by the apprenticeship tax paid by the firms. During the training periods at IMT Atlantique, apprentices can use the student accommodation on the Brest and Rennes campuses.
First year correspond to a last year of Bachelor followed by 2 years of Master.