Master of Science in Engineering "Diplôme d'Ingénieur" - In 2nd and 3rd year (Master 1 & 2), build your own engineering profile according to your career goals
Become the kind of engineer you want to be!
The very flexible structure of the second and third years gives you real choices with respect to study abroad opportunities, coursework, internships and projects. Your experiences over these two years will place you in authentic, demanding situations, very similar to what you will face in the professional world. And if you wish, the university can help you work toward a dual degree with one of our partner schools or universities, in France or abroad.

During these two years (Master 1 & 2), students build their individual engineering profiles, based on their career goals.
In the second and third years of your engineering programme, you will reinforce and strengthen the skills you acquired in first year. The flexible architecture of the 2nd and 3rd years gives you real choices in your programme, especially in terms of:
- international mobility (international internship, gap year, academic semester, dual degree, humanitarian actions, etc.)
- internships (engineering, application, entrepreneurship, etc.)
- projects (innovation, entrepreneurship, research, etc.)
- themes for in-depth study (TAFs)
- a path of excellence through research
- the beginnings of a business creation within our incubator
During these two years, you will be confronted with authentic, demanding situations, very similar to your future professional situations.
And if you are interested, the university will help you prepare a dual degree in collaboration with our partner universities or schools, in France and abroad -

Accompanied by a teaching team composed of professor-researchers, you will have flexibility in your choices and career path at all times. This flexibility in organizing your curriculum (coursework, internships, projects, etc.) allows you to orchestrate all the chosen options necessary for your professional project.
This "tailor-made" course gives you the opportunity to deepen or strengthen your focus in particular areas of interest, open doors and go toward different fields (industry, entrepreneurship, research) and themes (health, computing, networks, robotics, electronics, automation, telecommunications, embedded systems, energy, environment, security, etc.). The result is a wide range of possible flexible profiles throughout your career, depending on your professional aspirations.
Enrich your career in several fields:
IMT Atlantique's structure allows you to enrich your career through two different specialisations.
You will have a choice of approximately twenty specialisations, divided into five specific fields. Depending on your career goals, this high-level education will reinforce your acquisition of the skills you acquired through the common core in first year, allowing you to refine and build your professional project.
Second and 3rd year students often work together in courses. This environment allows students to learn from each other and benefit from each other's strong points, and also leaves room for the type of autonomy that engineers experience in their work.