Master of Science in Engineering "Diplôme d'Ingénieur" - Be a mover and a shaker! -- Sports and artistic activities
Be a mover and a shaker! -- Sports and artistic activities
Physical activity enables the development of intra-personal and inter-personal qualities useful for professional and private life.
Physical, sports and artistic activities are an integral part of the engineering program at IMT Atlantique and will help you acquire the skills necessary for your profession as a future engineer.
The practice of compulsory sports activities also helps to find the right balance between your physical health and your studies.
Health, project management, responsibility and leadership are the main areas of competence sought during the courses.
Over 24 hours per semester, students practice eight activities during the first two years, chosen from the following groups of activities: outdoor activities, competitive team sports, individual team sports, racket sports, martial arts and general health maintenance activities.
In addition to this compulsory course included in the timetable, students can also take part in a competitive or non-competitive physical or sporting activity within the framework of the ITM Atlantique Sports Association.