Master of Science in Engineering "Diplôme d'Ingénieur"


Course director

Ahmed Bouabdallah et Guillaume Doyen

The "cybersecurity" in-depth theme trains security engineers for both information and industrial technologies.
Cybersecurity has become a national priority, with numerous strategic challenges due to an increasing number of sophisticated and atypical cyber attacks which can impact the nation’s sovereignty, and endanger its critical infrastructure along with its economic stability and its technical and scientific potential.

In response to security issues, the IMT Atlantique students who follow this theme will develop skills in cyber protection and cyber defense and gain the solid scientific and technical foundations required in the cyber security market.
In addition to these fundamental skills, new uses in terms of communication and information processing are also taken into account in cybersecurity training (e.g. cloud computing, IoT, big data, or industrial systems). The course also extends to the legal, organizational, and human factors as well as the economic impacts which are crucial to understanding threats. In addition, students will learn to deal with internal or external malicious behavior and optimize existing protection and remediation solutions.

This module is based on innovative case studies through which students will gain a real understanding of risks.


Opportunities and possible careers

Cyber jobs related to product or system development

  • security architect: structures the technical, technological and methodological choices of an whole [system, software, hardware] meeting security requirements,
  • security developer: provides the subset of engineering activities required to produce components [product, software] that meet security requirements,
  • security Assessor / Auditor (product, software, hardware): searches for vulnerabilities in a system or product by following a public (such as Common Criteria) or adapted methodology.
  • integrator: analyses and handles security aspects in conjunction with the infrastructure's IT project and program architects.
  • consultant: anticipates and develops the handling of security issues in organizations and projects.

Operational careers

  • operator: implements the information security policy, monitors and handles intrusions, fraud, attacks or security leaks.
  • Information System Security Officer (ISSO): provides both technical and organizational operational security functions. This role includes raising user awareness and implementing prescribed security measures.
  • Trainer / Instructor: participates in (trainer) or is responsible for (instructor) staff training or awareness raising on regulatory, technical or operational aspects of ISS and cyber defence

Target companies

  • specialized Cyber Security / Cyber defence SMEs or SMEs requiring skills to manage the security of their infrastructures and systems.
  • consulting firms, Transport, Banking/Insurance and Health
  • state services (administrations, public services, etc.)

Rennes Campus