Track A: RWMD - MSc in SAfe and REliable Nuclear Applications (SARENA)

Track A: Radioactive Waste Management & Decommissioning

This study track aims to help students develop fundamental scientific, technical and industrial knowledge of the nuclear fuel cycle with a special regard to the diversity of wastes generated, questions of non-proliferation, long-term safety assessment and environmental impact. Furthermore, it is designed to provide strong insights on dismantlement and decommissioning of nuclear installations, as well as on human and organizational factors of safety.

This study track has notably received the prestigious I2EN accreditation for its French Master Degree. The I2EN, which stands for International Institute of Nuclear Energy, is the leading French institution in coordinating nuclear skills and collaborating with international partners worldwide. Only a few master degrees have so far been awarded this seal of quality, which is awarded by the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy and the I2EN President based on the recommendations of the I2EN Committee of Experts.

Upon successful completion of the programme, a student is expected to be awarded a dual-degree from IMT Atlantique and Politécnica Universidad de Madrid:

Master in Science’s degree in Nuclear Engineering
- French MSc Degree delivered by IMT Atlantique, corresponding to a full BAC +5 Master degree
- Officially accredited degree as according to "Arrêté du 13 juillet 2022 accréditant l’Institut Mines Telecom (IMT) en vue de la délivrance de diplômes nationaux"

Máster Universitario en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear (Master degree in Nuclear Science and Technology)
- Spanish MSc Degree, corresponding to a full Master degree
- Officially accredited degree as according to "Notificación de la Resolución del Consejo de Universidades de renovación de la Acreditación del título oficial de Máster Universitario en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (4310273)"
- More information available at: