Masters of Science (MSc)

Management and optimization of supply chains and transport

MSc Management of production, logistics and procurement (MPLP)

track MOST

Industrial Engineering

Project management for environmental and energy engineering

MSc Process and bioprocess engineering (PBPE)

track PM3E

Energy & Environment

Advanced nuclear waste management

Msc Nuclear engineering (NE)

track ANWM

Energy & Environment

Nuclear energy production and industrial applications

MSc Nuclear engineering (NE)

track NEPIA

Energy & Environment

Medical applications

MSc Nuclear engineering (NE)

track Medical applications

Energy & Environment

Communication system and network engineering

MSc Information technology (IT)

track CSNE

Digital Technology

Data Science

MSc Information technology (IT)

track DS

Digital Technology

Architecture and engineering for the internet of things

MSc Information technology (IT)

track AEIOT

Digital Technology


MSc Information technology (IT)

track Cybersecurity

Digital Technology