MSc Nuclear Engineering / track Nuclear Energy Production and Industrial Applications


September intake

M1 or M2


100% English taught program

Tuition fees

9,000 € Euros/year
Scholarships opportunities for : Excellent profiles, Alumni from our partner universities, European citizens...



Brochure (PDF)
MSc Nuclear Engineering / track Nuclear Energy Production and Industrial Applications

NE/NEPIA Nuclear Energy Production & Industrial Applications specializes in nuclear sciences applications including energy production (power reactors) and industrial applications (particles beams technology, instrumentation,.....). A particular focus is put on the safety and radioprotection, to be considered in the management of a large project in this field.

NEPIA Objectives

  • Acquire basic knowledge necessary for understanding nuclear energy production (power reactors) and industrial applications, e.g. accelerators, cyclotrons...
  • Develop competences in reactor operation, maintenance and safety issues including radioprotection.
  • Develop competences in particles beams production and qualification.
  • Develop competences in nuclear radiations applications: instrumentation, non destructive control, security...
  • Develop an awareness of societal considerations related to nuclear energy production.
  • Take into account societal issues related to nuclear energy production.

Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering by Abdesselam Abdelouas

Abdesselam Abdelouas is a professor in radiochemistry at IMT Atlantique, working in the Subatech department.