Master Electronic, electrical energy, automatic / track Signal, image, systems, automatic


IMT Atlantique is co-accredited with the University of Rennes 1 and Supelec by the MESRI* to deliver the Master in "Electronic, Electrical Energy, Automatic" (in French : "Electronique, Energie électrique, Automatique" - Master EEA). This national degree is referenced on the French official website "Trouver Mon". The accreditation number is : 1701650V.

The track offers by IMT Atlantique is : "Signal, Image, Systems, Automatic" (SISEA). The courses are taught in French.

IMT Atlantique offers a "french summer school" in August, on Brest or Nantes campus, in order for you to improve your French language before starting the Master's courses.

Your Master degree EEA/SISEA will be delivered by IMT Atlantique, one of the French Top Technological University.

More details here on the french website

* Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation