Type : Projet de recherche

The CyberSecDome project offers a proactive solution to protect digital infrastructures against cyber threats. It comprises four key elements: a digital infrastructure, digital twins, AI-powered security tools and a VR user interface.

Published on 06.30.2023
Type : Article

How can we monitor underground water tables? How can they be protected from various sources of pollution? What warning systems should be put in place? These questions are the subject of a major European research project: NINFA.

Type : Projet de recherche

The project aims to develop cost-effective groundwater monitoring strategies, pollution prevention and abatement technologies, and an early warning system.

Published on 09.10.2021
Type : Article

The FloWAT project, which stands for "Floating treatment Wetland for Agri-food effluent tertiary Treatment", aims to reduce polluting emissions from pre-treated wastewater discharge from the agri-food sector by integrating a floating wetland into existing lagoon systems to act as an additional physical and biological filter.