- Interdisciplinarité en situations VUCA.
Waldeck R., Gaultier Le Bris S.and Rouvrais S.
Submitted to an ISTE book, "méthodologies pour les sciences sociales" series, "méthodes et interdisciplinarité" theme, Winter 2018.
- Méthodologie d’apprentissage en situations VUCA
Gaultier Le Bris S.,Rouvrais, S., and Waldeck R.
Submitted to an ISTE book, "méthodologies pour les sciences sociales" series, "méthodes et interdisciplinarité" theme, Winter 2018.
- Engineering Students Ready for a VUCA World? A Design based Research on Decisionship
Rouvrais, S., Gaultier Le Bris, S., and Stewart M.
In Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference, pages 872--881, KIT, Kanazawa, Japan, June-July, 2018. With talk.
- Challenging Engineering Students with Uncertainty in a VUCA Situation
Audunsson, H., Fridgeirsson, T. V., and Saemundsdottir I.
In Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference, KIT, Kanazawa, Japan, June-July, 2018
- Fiabilité organisationnelle et capacités de décision en situations complexes
Gaultier Le Bris, S. and Rouvrais, S.
In French, Ecole thématique Rochebrune 2018 : « Systèmes Complexes Artificiels & Naturels ». January 2018, France. With talk.
- Think first job! Preferences and expectations of engineering students in a French ‘Grande Ecole’
Gerwel Proches C., Chelin N. , and Rouvrais S.
EJEE European Journal of Engineering Education, Engineering Education Research in Europe – coming of age. Pages 309-325, volume 43, Issue 2, 2018.
- Compétences de prise de décision développées par et pour les situations complexes et incertaines
Gaultier Le Bris, S. and Rouvrais, S.
In French, Ingenium Colloquium "Discernement et procédure dans la formation et l'activité de l'ingénieur", CNAM-Chaire UNESCO, 7th December 2017, Paris, France. With talk.
- Decision Making Skills in Engineering Education
Gaultier Le Bris, S., Rouvrais, S., Vikingur Fridgeirsson, T., Tudela Villalonga, L, and Waldeck R.
In Proceedings of the 45th SEFI 2017 Conference "Education Excellence For Sustainable Development", Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal.18-21 September 2017. With talk.