Mooc - Queuing Theory: from Markov Chains to Multi-Server Systems
Titre : Queuing Theory: from Markov Chains to Multi-Server Systems
Auteurs : Sandrine VATON, Isabel AMIGO, Hind CASTEL...
Résumé : Situations where resources are shared among users appear in a wide variety of domains, from lines at stores and toll booths to queues in telecommunication networks. The management of these shared resourcescan have direct consequences on users,whether it be waiting times or blocking probabilities. In this course, you'll learn how to describe a queuing system statistically, how to model the random evolution of queue lengths over time and calculate key performance indicators, such as an average delay or a loss probability. This course is aimed at engineers, students and teachers interested in network planning. Practical coursework will be carried out using ipython notebooks on a Jupyterhub server which you will be given access to.
Contact interne à l’école : Sandrine VATON
Date de la session précédente : 10/05/2021
Débute le : 10/05/2021
Accédez au Mooc "Queuing Theory: from Markov Chains to Multi-Server Systems"
Rôle de IMT Atlantique dans ce Mooc : Co-concepteur