MSc in SAfe and REliable Nuclear Applications (SARENA) - Coordinators

abdesselam abdelouas

Prof. Abdesselam ABDELOUAS

IMT Atlantique, general  SARENA Coordinator, head of the program

Professor of radiochemistry and nuclear materials at IMT Atlantique. Director of the international nuclear master program “Sustainable Nuclear Engineering: Applications & Management” – SNEAM (English Taught) (since 2011) and Head of Radiochemistry Group at Subatech laboratory in Nantes. Graduated from the University of Strasbourg (France). He spent four year postdoc in USA funded by US DoE. He has been named as an expert for the European Commission in the field of Education & Training for the nuclear sector. He published more than 100 papers, proceedings and book chapters and one Patent in waste management, nuclides biogeochemical cycling and nuclear materials.

Christoph Harntack

Associate Prof. Christoph HARTNACK

IMT Atlantique, adjunct  SARENA Coordinator

Associate professor at IMT Atlantique, teaching deputy of SUBATECH,  former head of the French master program on "Nuclear Technologies, Safety and Environment". Graduation and PhD at Frankfurt University, Junior Scientist at GSI Darmstadt, Germany, before joining SUBATECH laboratory in Nantes.  Habilitation at Nantes University. Contributor to several handbooks of Mathematics and Physics, Engineering lecture books and interactive courses on CD-Rom. More than 100 research papers accounting for more than 3000 citations. First author of a Physics Report and several Physical Review Letters, referee of several Physics journals. Basic expertise in the modelling of nuclear reactions, but also applications like hadrotherapie or "Mission to Mars".

Francisco Javier Elorza

Prof. Francisco Javier ELORZA

SARENA Coordinator - UPM

Full Professor of Geological Engineering at UPM. Vice Dean of Postgraduates Studies of the Mining and Energy Engineering School in UPM. Former director in the Applied Mathematics Dept. at UPM. Expert in numerical simulation in THM analysis and safety assessment in nuclear waste repositories. Seconded National Expert in the Environmental Institute of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (Ispra, Italy) (1994-2000). President of the International Association of Hydrogeologists – Spanish National Chapter (2009-12). UPM representative in ENEN Association (2014- ). Member of the Council of Science and Technology of the Autonomous Community of Madrid since 2016. Teaching on Hydrogeology, Solute Transport in porous medium, Geological Disposal, Environmental impact, Contaminated Site Assessment, Soil and groundwater remediation, and Risk analysis.

Edwardo Gallego

Prof. Edwardo GALLEGO

SARENA Coordinator - UPM

Full Professor of Nuclear Engineering at UPM. Teaching on Nuclear Safety, Radiological Protection, Radiological impact and Radioactive waste management. Main research lines: Severe accidents; environmental radiological impact; accident consequence assessment; emergency planning, countermeasures and rehabilitation strategies for contaminated areas; neutron spectrometry, dosimetry and instrument calibration.

Vice-President (2010-2012) and President (2013-2015) of the Spanish Radiological Protection Society (SEPR). Management Board of the NERIS Platform. Committee 4 of the ICRP (2013-2017). Executive Council (2008-2016) and Vice-President (2016-2020) of the International Radiation Protection Association. Nominated expert of Spain at the Euratom-Fission Horizon-2020 Programme Committee.

Iztok Tiselj

Prof. Iztok Tiselj

SARENA Coordinator - UL


Prof. dr. Iztok Tiselj is current Chair of nuclear engineering at Faculty of mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana. Education: B.Sc. in Physics at University of Ljubljana, 1991, M.Sc. and PhD in Nuclear Engineering, University of Ljubljana, 1994 and 1997, respectively. Main research field: nuclear thermal-hydraulics: Development of WAHA code for simulations of 1D water hammer in two-phase systems, direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent heat transfer, numerical simulations of the two-phase flow. System and CFD computer codes for thermalhydraulics of nuclear power plants. Professional experience: Since 1991 employed by Jozef Stefan Institute (full time), 1999 Postdoc: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Multiphase-flow Laboratory, 2001, Assist. Prof., 2012, Full Prof. Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

Juhani Hyvärinen.png

Prof. Juhani Hyvärinen

SARENA Coordinator - LUT

Full professor of Modelling and head of Nuclear Engineering at LUT, M.Sc. in Power Plant Technology (1988), D.Sc. (Tech) in Nuclear Engineering (1996), both from LUT. He has working experience both from STUK (1988-2007), the Finnish Nuclear Regulatory Authority, and Fennovoima, a new nuclear power company. At STUK he was responsible for safety assessment of existing and new nuclear power plant concepts, addressing emerging safety issues, developing and applying safety regulations for new reactors. In Fennovoima he served as the Chief Nuclear Officer until end of 2013, being responsible for reactor technology, safety, fuel and nuclear waste management. His research cover nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics and nuclear safety, including advanced modelling of thermal hydraulic phenomena in nuclear reactors.