European Project: DecisionShip Ahoy! - Partners


7 European partners

The DAhoy partnership has a complementary expertise in Decision and specific expertise in HE and VET educational development. Including a national qualification framework partner, DAhoy promotes solutions for the recognition of competency acquired through innovative courses. As a horizontal priority, DAhoy makes it possible to respond to the achievement of transversal high skills and relevant competences, in line with ET 2020 strategic objectives "Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship" and "Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training".

DAhoy coordinating Institution:

drapeau%20francais.PNG  IMT Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire
  Project coordinator: A/Prof. S. Rouvrais


European Partners :

drapeau%20francais.PNG  Ecole navale

Drapeau%20Belgique.PNG  FREREF (Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l'Education et la Formation)

drapeau%20ecossais.PNG  City of Glasgow College

drapeau%20ecossais.PNG  SCQFP (Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework Partnership)

drapeau%20RU.PNG   Reykjavik University

Drapeau%20Espagnol.PNG  FUEIB (Fundacio Universita Empresa De Les Illes Balears)