Frequently Asked Questions


International students, this section is for you !
Check the questions and answers below to get ready for studies at IMT Atlantique. #Studies #Application #Housing #Budget #Scholarships #CampusLife #Insurance #WelcomeDays #OnCampusFacilities   #Visa   #LivinginFrance...

Choosing IMT Atlantique

What is Institut Mines-Télécom Group?

IMT Atlantique is a member of the Institut Mines-Télécom Group. More information here

Where are located the different campuses?

See information about our 3 campuses

Is IMT Atlantique listed in worldwide university rankings?

Check out our national and international rankings webpage

What are the main reasons for choosing IMT Atlantique?

There are many reasons for choosing IMT Atlantique as this is an elite technological university of engineering and a research center.
Besides, IMT Atlantique has been awarded the "Bienvenue en France" label with 3 stars by CampusFrance.

Studying at IMT Atlantique: programs

What are the programs open to international students?

For exchange students

See available programs here

For free movers

Taught in French: see available programs here

Taught in English: see available programs here

What is the difference between 'free movers' and 'exchange students'?

Exchange students come from a university partner with whom IMT Atlantique has signed an agreement for studies (1 to 4 semesters) in a specific program. Free movers apply individually after completing bachelor studies in their home country.

Application process, programs, tuition fee, etc are different depending on the student's situation.

Do you offer any courses in English?

See the list of our programs taught in English

What do alumni think of their experience at IMT Atlantique?

What about the tuition fee?

To have more information regarding tuition fees, please contact our International Officers:

You are You are interested in / You have been admitted to Please contact
An exchange student Master of Science in Engineering (Diplôme d'Ingénieur)
International MSc


A free mover


International MSc


You are an international student interested in / admitted to a program that is not listed above ? Answers may be different for you. Please contact:

Do you offer short programs?

International students who would like to improve French language and culture skills can participate to our  French Summer School

Australian students, can participate to our WASAA Summer School

Any PhD opportunities?

Studying at IMT Atlantique: application

What's the application procedure?

Free movers, see information related to application process

Exchange students, see information related to the application process

What are the language requirements?

For MSc applicants applying for an English-taught program: No prerequisite in French language. Candidates must have an official proof of English proficiency such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or Cambridge certificate (required score; TOEFL ibt 80, IELTS 6.0, TOEIC 750)

Can I apply for IMT Atlantique through EEF platform?

First of all, you have to apply for our programs on our dedicated platforms and/or follow the relevant application procedure for your situation. Once you are admitted at IMT Atlantique, you can apply on EEF platform ("Etudes en France") if you are a non-European student, in order to present your study in France project. This is also the first step for your student's visa application.

Studying at IMT Atlantique: French language and culture

Do you offer French language classes?

IMT Atlantique offers French language and culture intensive course in summer, called the French Summer School.

French language classes are also part of the MSc programs curriculum (about 3 hours per week).

Studying at IMT Atlantique: Academic system

How do assessment and grading system work at IMT Atlantique?

Nominative (quantative) and formative (qualitative) assessments of students is conducted continusly during courses and for each credit. Each semester corresponds to the obtention of 30 ECTS credits, and the full Master's program to the obtention of 120 ECTS credits.

Assessment is expressed as follow:

  • For each credit, by level (grade) A, B, C, D, E, F, FX with no inermediate level
  • For the mean level of all the results by the GPA system. 4 as the maximum mark, 2.5 as the threshold.

Any help with finding an internship?

IMT Atlantique will provide you courses/trainings in order to ensure a fruitful internship search. Besides, the Company Relationships Department is dedicated to help you.

Life on campus

Do you offer on-campus accommodation?

Yes, see the accommodation solutions for students on our 3 campuses.

Are there any options off-campus?

We do recommend to stay on campus as this is the most convenient and cheapest solution. In fact, finding off-campus accommodation on your own in France can be quite challenging. Here's an overview from CampusFrance of all the off-campus options you have with useful links and tips.

Can we practise sport on campus?

Check out the available sports and leisure activities on campus

How does the library work?

Information about library (in French)

Where can we have lunch and dinner?

Discover our student's restaurant and cafetaria

How can I access WiFi on campus?

Note the procedure to access campus WiFi

What support do new comers have?

IMT Atlantique organizes Welcome Days for new comers at the beginning of each program. It includes special information and support for international students in many administrative procedures such as opening a bank account in France, getting information about medical insurance, initiating the OFII process, etc.

The student's associations can also provide help and support to make international students feel comfortable with their new life and environment.

Are there some associations for students?

Of course, see our clubs and societies

Which support is provided for students with disabilities?

What is IMT Atlantique's policy regarding SDSR?

IMT Atlantique has been ranked 1st among French Higher Education institutions by THE Impact Rankings 2021 for its unfailing commitment to SDSR. Read more about IMT Atlantique's mission regarding SDSR

Financing my studies

Does IMT Atlantique offer scholarships?

See the scholarships and funding opportunities listed by IMT Atlantique

Is it possible to get an Erasmus scholarship?

Students presently studying at our partner institutions in Ivory Coast and Indonesia can be selected for mobility programs under Erasmus+ financial support.

Students can also apply for our 2 Erasmus Mundus programs: SARENA (Nuclear Engineering) and ME3+ (Energy and Environment)

What is the provisional budget for international students?

For international students living on Brest and Rennes campuses, see the estimate budget for living expenses.

For international students living on Nantes campus, see the estimate budget for living expenses.

Can I study and work at the same time?

We recommend students to stay focused on studies during the academic semesters. You will have the opportunity to work in companies/lab during a 6 month-paid internship !

Traveling to France

Do I need a visa to study at IMT Atlantique?

Non-European students need to apply for a visa for studies in France, see information about Immigration & visa

What's your travel recommendation to reach campus?

See our travel information to reach our campuses

Which documents should I bring with me ?

Before leaving your country, we recommend your prepare the documents you will need for you trip and for setting up. You can have a look at Campus France checklist to make sure you will not forget anything !

And we also strongly recommend that you subscribe the necessary insurance before leaving your country. You need to be covered for : medical expenses, repatriation, accidents and civil liability.

How does French Social Security (French medical insurance system) work ?

French Social Security (Sécurité Sociale) provides healthcare coverage to all residents of France, including international students.

Watch Campus France tutorial : Everything you need to know about the French medical insurance system.

Should I subscribe an insurance before leaving my country ?

As explained above, international students have access to the Social French Security system during their stay in France. However, it's important to know that it only covers 70% of medical expenses. Besides, it might take a few weeks between your arrival to France and effective registration to the Social Security.

Therefore, we highly recommend that you take out insurance in your own country that covers medical expenses, hospitalization, accidents, repatriation and death, to cover your entire stay in France or to cover the first few weeks of your stay in France until you are affiliated with the French national health insurance system and subscribe to a complementary mutual insurance plan which will reimburse the remaining medical expenses you may have.

What is the CVEC and when do I need to pay for it ?

The CVEC was adopted in March 2018 under a new law on “Student Orientation and Success.” Its purpose is to improve student services, specifically in the areas of social life, health, culture, and athletics. The CVEC applies to French and foreign students enrolling for a degree program in a public or private institution of higher education in France. All the students must register at

Please read this article from Campus France for detailed information about CVEC.