Matthieu ARZEL
HDR ("Habilitation à diriger des recherches"), highest academic degree in France, required to hold full professor positions in French universities, Université de Bretagne Sud, 2021
PhD in Electronics, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) de Bretagne (France), 2006
DEA (MSc) in Electronics from Université de Bretagne Sud, 2002
Engineering degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) de Bretagne (France), 2002
Fields of expertise
Iterative processing techniques for digital communications
Analogue/mixed integrated circuit architectures and low-power flexible Systems on Chip in the fields of
digital communications
medical engineering
neural networks
High-speed digital circuits for digital communications and network security
FPGA implementation
Professional experience/projects
2023-today: Scientific advisor of Irispace
2021-today: Full professor at IMT Atlantique, Department of Mathematical and Electrical Engineering
Supervisor of 21 PhD candidates (7 in progress)
Deputy head in charge of teaching activities in the Department of Mathematical and Electrical Engineering
Member of the Teaching Steering Committee of IMT Atlantique
Co-head of Pracom (cluster on Advanced Research in Communication)
2006-2021: Associate professor at Telecom Bretagne, and then IMT Atlantique, Department of Electronics Engineering
2005-2006: Research Engineer at TurboConcept (France)
Designer of IP modules for synchronization and error correction in digital receivers.
Teaching responsibilities and activities
- Deputy head of the Departments Electronics (2018-20) and MEE (2021-) in charge of courses
- Member of the Teaching Steering Committee (since 2018)
- Member of the Competences Assessment Workgroup (since 2013)
- Responsible of courses in Electronics
- 300 hours from Fundamentals in Digital Electronics and VHDL language to High-Level Synthesis and Parallel architectures and programming
- Supervisor of projects over the 3 years of the engineer curriculum
- From first-year projects to discover team-work and engineering to research projects in circuit design.
- Supervisor of 40 student internships either in final-year or engineer apprenticeship
Research activities
Principal investigator and manager of 21 research projects for the different instutions and companies.
High-throughput architectures for digital communications
- Analog processing of digital information
- 1 PhD (Daniel GOMEZ TORO, 2011-14).
- Design of two 0.25?m BiCMOS ASICs.
- Research projects for ESA (2013) and for Orange Labs (2007-10)
- 2 patents.
- Stochastic decoding of convolutional/turbo-/Cortex/Reed-Solomon codes
- 1 PhD (Quang Trung DONG, 2008-11) and 3 Master theses.
- Collaboration with J.C. Carlach, Orange Labs.
- Collaboration with Warren Gross, McGill University, Canada.
- Digital processing for mobile, satellite and optical communications
- 2 PhDs with Orange Labs (Jean DION, 2010-13 and Tuan Anh TRUONG, 2011-14).
- 1 PhD (Ali HAROUN, 2010-14) with Christophe Jégo, IMS, Bordeaux.
- 3 PhDs with SAFRAN (Aomar BOURENANE, 2019-2022, Thibault PIANA, 2021-24 and Albane COLIN DE VERDIÈRE, 2023-26).
- 1 PhD with B-COM (Abdul REHMAN, 2021-24).
- Projects for the French Research Agency : AFANA (2007-10), ANR UDEC (2008-11) and FUI 100GFlex (2010-13).
- Research projects for STM Norway and Widenorth (Norway, 2008-09 and 2014-15).
- Research project ESA ARTES Advanced Technnology “Advanced Modem Prototype for Interactive Satellite Terminals”, with STM Norway, Alcatel Alenia Space España, DLR, TurboConcept, VeriSat (2007-10).
- Research project ESA ARTES Advanced Technnology “User Terminal Wideband Modem for Very High Throughput Satellites”, with WideNorth, University of Luxembourg, NTNU et Space Norway (2018-21),
- Research project for Huawei Paris Research Center on the FPGA implementation of a reconfigurable decoder for quasi-cyclic convolutive LDPC codes in optical communications beyond 100Gbit/s (2018-19).
- Research project ESA ARTES Advanced Technnology “Wideband RF over IP demonstrator” with WideNorth and Simula UiB (Norway, 2020-22),
- Research project with SAFRAN for space optical communications.
- 1 patent.
Flexible and high-throughput architectures for network monitoring
- Traffic monitoring and classification on FPGA
- 1 PhD (Tristan GROLÉAT, 2011-14)
- Hybrid HW/SW architectures for network monitoring
- 3 PhDs (André LALEVÉE, 2014-17, Franck CORNEVAUX-JUIGNET, 2014-18 and Karl LA GRASSA, 2022-25 in collaboration with Yvon SAVARIA, Polytechnique Montréal).
- Research project with OVH (2017-18).
- CyberTHD demonstration platform funded by Brest Métropole and Conseil général du Finistère.
Low-energy high-throughput architectures for autonomous intelligent systems
- Deeply-buried biomedical circuits
- Research project with LATIM, INSERM UMR 1101
- Research within an inter-disciplinary workgroup on embebded systems for health (FibroSES).
- Hardware accelerators for Brain-Computer Interfaces
- 1 PhD (Erwan LIBESSART, 2015-18), 1 post-doc (Fabio TONI BRAZ, 2015-16).
- Design of a 65nm CMOS ASIC and of an FPGA demonstrator.
- Research project SABRE funded by LABEX Cominlabs with Francesco ANDRIULLI (Politecnico di Torino) and Anatole LÉCUYER (INRIA Rennes).
- Sparse neural networks for low-cost hardware implementation
- 2 PhDs (Benoît LARRAS, 2012-15 and Paul CHOLLET, 2014-17).
- 2 mixed-signal 65nm CMOS ASICs.
- Low-cost and low-energy deep learning for a widely-affordable Artificial Intelligence
- Research projects: Cominlabs LEASARD (PI and manager, 2022-25) and ANR VORTEX (Coordinator of WP2 on Fast navigation with event camera, 2024-2028)
- 5 PhDs
- Ghouthi BOUKLI HACENE (2016-19), then post-doc (2019-21), award of the best 2020 PhD thesis of the Futur & Ruptures (future and disruptive innovation) program of the Mines-Telecom Institute and award of the best 2020 PhD thesis of the Agence Francaise pour l’Intelligence Artificielle (French Agency for Artificial Intelligence);
- Hugo TESSIER (with Stellantis 2019-2022)
- Hugo LE BLEVEC (2021-2024)
- Lucas GRATIVOL RIBEIRO (2021-2024), funded by the 2021 Excellence Futur & Ruptures Program with Télécom St Étienne
- Ismail AMESSEGHER (2022-25), funded by the ANR project AI@IMT
- Collaboration with Yoshua BENGIO, MILA (Montréal, Canada).
- Collaboration with Interface Concept (Quimper, France).
PhD students:
1. Quang Trung DONG
Title : Stochastic decoding of turbocodes : design, implementation and prototyping on FPGA.
Period : 01/10/2008-20/12/2011
Supervision with Christophe Jégo
Current position : R&D Manager, VHT, Vietnam
2. Jean DION
Title : Study and implementation of a generic and flexible decoder architecture for LDPC and Turbocodes.
Period : 04/10/2010-05/11/2013
Supervision : with Michel Jézéquel
Current position : R&D Engineer, B-COM, France
Title : MIMO iterative receiver based on the Belief-Propagation Algorithm
Period : 04/10/2010-21/11/2014
Supervision : with Charbel ABDEL-NOUR and Christophe Jégo
Current position : Associate Professor, Libanese International University, Lebanon
4. Tuan Anh TRUONG
Title : Digital signal processing for next-generation passive optical networks
Period : 03/10/2011-28/11/2014
Supervision : with Michel Jézéquel
Current position : FPGA & RF Signal Processing Engineer and Owner at IPCTEK
5. Tristan GROLEAT
Title : High performance traffic monitoring for network security and management
Period : 03/01/2011-18/03/2014
Supervision : with Sandrine Vaton
Current position : Network Services Lead, OVHcloud, France
6. Daniel GOMEZ TORO
Title : Temporal Filtering with Soft Error Detection and Correction Technique for Radiation Hardening Based on a C-element and BICS
Period : 03/10/2011-12/12/2014
Supervision : with Fabrice Seguin and Michel Jézéquel
Current position : Senior Hardware Engineer, Plexus, Germany
7. Benoît LARRAS
Title : Analog CMOS design and implementation of clique-based neural networks
Period : 01/10/2012-03/12/2015
Supervision : with Fabrice Seguin and Cyril Lahuec
Current position : Associate Professor, JUNIA Lille, France
Title : Sparse processing of biological signals
Period : 01/10/2014-24/11/2017
Supervision : with Fabrice Seguin and Cyril Lahuec
Current position : Associate Professor, Telecom ParisTech, France
9. André LALEVÉE
Title : Towards highly flexible hardware architectures for high-speed data processing : a 100 Gbps network case study
Period : 01/10/2014-28/11/2017
Supervision : with Pierre-Henri Horrein and Michel Jézéquel
Current position : Associate Professor, ISEN Brest, France
Title : Hardware and software co-design toward flexible terabits per second traffic processing
Period : 01/10/2014-04/07/2018
Supervision : with Pierre-Henri Horrein and Christian Person
Current position : R&D Engineer, Widenorth, Norway
Title : Brain-Computer Interface : new perspectives thanks to hardware accelerators
Period : 05/10/2015-30/10/2018
Supervision : with Cyril Lahuec and Francesco Andriulli (Politecnico di Torino)
Current position : Associate Professor, CentraleSupélec, France
Title : Processing and learning deep neural networks on chip
Period : 03/10/2016-03/10/2019
Supervision : with Nicolas Farrugia, Vincent Gripon and Michel Jézéquel
Current position : Research scientist, Sony, Germany
Title : High-throughput energy-efficient architectures of decoders for satellite downlink
Period : 01/02/2019-
Supervision : with Frédéric Guilloud
Current position : ongoing PhD with SAFRAN
14. Hugo TESSIER
Title : Embedded implementation of deep neural networks for autonomous vehicles
Period : 06/01/2020-
Supervision : with Mathieu Léonardon and Vincent Gripon
Current position : ongoing PhD with STELLANTIS
15. Thibault PIANA
Title : Satellite signal compression for cloud-RAN
Period : 01/03/2021-
Supervision : with Abdeldjalil Aïssa El Bey
Current position : ongoing PhD with SAFRAN
16. Hugo LE BLEVEC
Title : Joint design of deep neural networks and hardware architectures
Period : 01/05/2021-
Supervision : with Mathieu Léonardon
Current position : ongoing PhD
Title : Towards an energy-efficient and privacy-protective IoT thanks to the association of Federated learning and FPGA processing
Period : 01/09/2021-
Supervision : with Virginie Fresse (Télécom St Étienne), Mathieu Léonardon and Guillaume Muller (Télécom St Étienne)
Current position : ongoing PhD
18. Abdul REHMAN
Title : Multi-user access techniques for fast and robust tracking of multimedia content
Period : 01/10/2021-
Supervision : with Frédéric Guilloud, Gaëtan Le Guelvouit (B-COM) and Jean Dion (B-COM)
Current position : ongoing PhD
Post-docs and research engineers:
1. Arun KUMAR
Title : Implementation and prototyping of an OFDM receiver for optical communications
Period : 01/09/2010-31/10/2011
Funding : FUI 100GFLEX
2. Fabio TONI BRAZ
Title : ASIC implementation of accelerators for an EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface
Period : 23/10/2014-30/10/2015
Funding : Cominlabs SABRE
Title : FPGA implementation of a reconfigurable decoder for quasi-cyclic convolutive LDPC codes in optical communications beyond
Period : 01/10/2018-27/09/2019
Funding : Research project with Huawei
4. André LALEVÉE
Title : Automated design flow for multi-FPGA implementation of FEC decoders
Period : 01/10/2018-31/08/2019
Funding : IMT Atlantique
Title : Study and design of compression techniques for wide-band RF signals on a satellite cloud-RAN system
Period : 01/05/2020-31/12/2021
Funding : Carnot TSN and Widenorth
Services and awards
- Knight of French Order of Academic Palms ("Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes académiques", 2023)
- Scientific advisor of Irispace (2023-today)
- Co-Head of Pracom (2019-today)
- Elected member of the Steering Committee (Conseil d’École) of Telecom Bretagne (2012-2017)
- Elected member of the Teaching Committee (Comité de l’Enseignement) of Telecom Bretagne (2013-2017)
- Elected member of the Rank Assessment Committee (Comité d’Évaluation des Appellations) of Telecom Bretagne (2012-2015)
- Member of CNRS Research workgroups SOC2 and ISIS
- Member of the technical programm committee of the International Symposium on Topics in Coding ’10, ’16, ’18 et ’23
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, IET Electronics Letters, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE ISCAS, IEEE NEWCAS, IEEE ICECS
- Award of the best poster at IEEE CNS 2017
- Award of the best paper at IEEE NEWCAS 2020
- PhD thesis of Ghouthi Boukli Hacene awarded as best 2020 PhD thesis of the Futur & Ruptures (future and disruptive innovation) program of the Mines-Telecom Institute and as best 2020 PhD thesis of the Agence Francaise pour l’Intelligence Artificielle (French Agency for Artificial Intelligence)