
Enseignant Chercheur



Contact information:


+33 2 29 00 13 92


Jennifer ROMER
+33 (0)2 29 00 10 32


Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

    Ramesh Pyndiah  has co-authored more than 30 journal papers, 100 conference papers and 12 invited papers in the area of channel coding and digital communications. He has also contributed to two book chapters and 17 patents. He was co-editor of special issues on turbo techniques (Eurasip and Annals of Telecom), TPC member of several major conferences on communications (ICC, Globecom, ..) and executive committee member of ICC’04, ISTC (97,00,03 and 10), PIMRC’08, WCNC’12, ICC'17 (Vice-Chair), ICT'18 (Vice-Chair). He was involved in the evaluation of several EU projects and was chair of IEEE ComSoc France chapter 2000-2014. He was a member of the executive committee of the COMIN labs as from 2011 and appointed deputy director of COMIN labs as from April 1st 2014 till 2017. He is Senior Member of IEEE since 2001 and received the 2001 SEE Blondel Medal for his contributions on block turbo codes. He was Scientific Director of Telecom Bretagne from August 2014 to December 2015 and Director Research & Innovation of IMT Atlantique from January 2017 to October 2019. He is currently Professor at OPTICS department of IMT Atlantique and his major research areas are channel coding for Optical Communications and Quantum Computing.


    • Block Turbo Codes (Algorithms and Implementation issues)

    • Soft decoding of varable length codes (Huffman codes & Arithmetic codes)

    • Joint source channel decoding of variable length codes

    • Turbo Network Coding

    • PAPR reduction in OFDM modulations

    • Low complexity video coding

    • Channel coding for Optical Communications

    • Quantum computing and Quantum information





    Up-coming conferences


    Past conferences

    ICT-2018 : Executive Vice-Chair of International Conference on Telecommunications, june 26-28, Saint-Malo, France

    ICC-2017 : Executive Vice-Chair of International Conference on Communications, May 21-25 2017, Paris, France

    WCNC 2012 : Publicity Chair of Wireless Communications and Network Conference, April 2012, Paris, France.

    WPMC 2011 : TPC Secretary Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposium 2011, October 2011, Brest France.

    ISTC 2010 : Vice Chair International Symposium on Turbo Codes & related topics, September 2006, Brest, France.

    PIMRC 2008 : Sponsorship Chair International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Septenber 2008, Cannes, France.

    ICC 2004 : Executive Committee member of International Conference on Communications, June 20-24 2004, Paris, France.

    ISTC 2003 : Chair International Symposium on Turbo Codes & related topics, September 2003, Brest, France.

    ISTC 2000 : Vice Chair International Symposium on Turbo Codes & related topics, September 2000, Brest, France.

    ISTC 1997 : Poster chair International Symposium on Turbo Codes & related topics, September 1997, Brest, France



    Courses taught (english and french)

    • Information theory

    • Forward Error Correction : block codes and convolutional codes

    • Mobile communications : GSM physical layer

    • Block coded modulation

    • Treillis coded modulation

    • Block Turbo Codes

    • Joint Source Channel Coding

    Continuing education

    • « Channel coding », Lucent Technologies, Lannion, France, 27-30 March, 2001

    • « Coded Modulations », Eutelsat, Paris, France, 20-21 Oct. 2003

    • « Turbo Codes », ESTEC (ESA), Noordwijk, Netherlands, 18-20 May 2005

    • « Turbo Codes », CANON, Rennes, France, 2009

    • « Joint source-channel coding and decoding », CANON, Rennes, France, 2010



    • Senior Member IEEE
    • Blondel Medal 2001 (SEE)
    • ComSoc France Chapter chair from January 2001 to April 2014.
    • Co-editor of special issues on turbo processing in Annals of Telecom and EURASIP journal. 
    • Click here to access my publications listed by Google Scholar





    Journals (30)



    1. P. Gamand, R. Pyndiah,  M. Wolny,  A. Deswartes, J.C. Meunier, P. Chambéry, “Circuits intégrés monolithiques utilisant des transistors à haute mobilité électronique,” Revue Annuelle du LEP,  pp. 16-17, 1988.
    2. R. Pyndiah, A. Deswartes, M. Wolny, J.C. Meunier, “Noise parameters for design of MMIC HEMT LNA,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 25 No. 7, pp. 442-443, March 1989.
    3. R. Pyndiah, F. Van Den Bogaart, “A novel multioctave MMIC active isolator 1-20 GHz,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 25 No. 21, pp. 1420-1422, Oct. 1989.
    4. P. Gamand, R. Pyndiah, P. Suchet, “Development of HEMT MMICs in FRANCE,” Microwave & RF Engineering, pp. 117-124, Oct. 1989.
    5. R. Pyndiah,  F. Van Den Bogaart, “Modulateurs vectoriels linéaires MMIC,” Revue Annuelle du LEP,  pp. 18-20, 1989.
    6. R. Pyndiah, R. Leblanc, J.P. Ballage, “GaAs MMIC direct linear vector modulators in your next digital radio links,” Microwave Journal, Vol. 33 No. 3, pp. 136-144, March 1990.
    7. R. Pyndiah, P. Talbot, F.L.M. Van Den Bogaart, J.P. Balech, “MMICs deliver accurate system performance,” Microwave & RF, pp. 117-124, Aug. 1990.
    8. R. Pyndiah, P. Philippe, “Novel RC all-pass network at up to 3 GHz using a Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit technology,” Philips J. Res. Vol. 45 No. 5, pp. 279-291, 1990.
    9. R. Pyndiah, D. Smith P. Talbot, “Microwave GaAs ICs for communication systems,” Philips Res. Bull. on IC Design, No. 10, pp. 12-14, Dec. 1990.
    10. J. M. Paillot, P. Philippe, R. Pyndiah, “Un nouvel outil informatique pour prédire les spectres de bruit de phase des oscillateurs monolithiques sur GaAs,” Revue Annuelle du LEP,  pp. 12-13, 1990.
    11. P. Adde, R. Pyndiah and C. Berrou, “Performance of hybrid turbo codes,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 32 No. 24, Nov. 1996.
    12. B. Solaiman, R. Pyndiah and C. Roux, “Transmission errors recovery of quantized images using fuzzy block similarity measures,” IEEE Trans. on  Image Processing, 1997.
    13. R. Pyndiah, “Near optimum decoding of product codes : block turbo codes,”   IEEE Trans. on  Communications, Vol. 46, n° 8, August 1998.
    14. P. Adde, R. Pyndiah, F. Buda, "Design and performance of a product code turbo encoding-decoding prototype, "Annales des Télécommunications 54, N°3-4", pp. 214-219, Mars-Avril 1999.
    15. S. Kerouédan, P.Adde, R. Pyndiah "How we implementeted block turbo codes ?", Annals des telecommunications, tome 56, N°7/8, Juillet/Août 2001.
    16. N. Chapalain, N. Le Heno, D. Castellain and R. Pyndiah, " Performance of BlockTurbo Codes in a HIPERLAN/2 Office Environment" IEICE transactions on Electronics, Special Issue on Signals,Systems and Electronics Technology, Vol. E85-C, N°.3, March 2002, pp. 466-472.
    17. ZHOU Rong, LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH Ramesh, GOALIC André
      Low-complexity high-rate Reed-Solomon block turbo Codes. IEEE transactions on communications, Sep 2007, vol. 55, n°9, pp. 1656-1660
    18. LE BIDAN Raphaël, LEROUX Camille, JEGO Christophe, PYNDIAH Ramesh, ADDE Patrick
      Reed-Solomon turbo product codes for optical communications : from code optimization to decoder design. EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking, april 2008, vol. 2008, pp. 1-14
    19. AZNI Mohamed, PYNDIAH Ramesh, MOKRANI Karim, GUILLOUD Frédéric
      Joint source and channel coding for real time H.264 coded video transmission using mobile hand-held devices”. IETE journal of research, july 2009, vol. 55, n° 4, pp. 154-161
    20. AZNI Mohamed, PYNDIAH Ramesh, MOKRANI Karim, GUILLOUD Frédéric, “Joint source and channel coding for real time H.264 coded video transmission using mobile hand-held devices”. IETE journal of research, july 2009, vol. 55, n° 4, pp. 154-161.
    21. EL TABACH Mamdouh, TORTELIER Patrick, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUCHET Olivier
      Coded OFDM and OFDM/OQAM for intensity modulated optical wireless systems”. Journal of communications, september 2009, vol. 4, n° 8, pp. 555-564.
    22. LU Hao, WANG Hai-Bin, AISSA EL BEY Abdeldjalil, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Underwater time service and synchronization based on time reversal technique”. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, september 2010, vol. 1272, n° 1, pp. 397-404.
    23. CHANGUEL Samar, LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Iterative decoding of product codes over binary erasure channel”. Electronics letters, april 2010, vol. 46, n° 7, pp. 503-505.
    24. NOUREDDINE AL MOUSSAWI Hadi, CASTELAIN Damien, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Train tracking and shadowing estimation based on received signal strength”. Lecture notes in computer science, 2011, vol. 6596, pp. 23-33
    25. YOO Hyunseuk, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh “PAPR reduction for LDPC coded OFDM systems using binary masks and optimal LLR estimation.” Signal processing, november 2011, vol. 91, pp. 2606-2614
    26. YOO Hyunseuk, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Amplitude PDF analysis of OFDM signal using probabilistic PAPR reduction method”. EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking, 2011, vol. 2011
    27. YOO Hyunseuk, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH RameshProbability Distribution Analysis of M-QAM Modulated OFDM Symbol and Reconstruction of Distorted Data.” EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing, october 2011.
    28. ZRIBI Amin, PYNDIAH Ramesh, ZAIBI Sonia, GUILLOUD Frédéric, BOUALLEGUE Ammar
      Low-Complexity Soft Decoding of Huffman Codes and Iterative Joint Source Channel Decoding”. IEEE transactions on communications, june 2012, vol. 60, n° 6, pp. 1669-1680
    29. EL HASSANI Sanae, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh, HAMON Marie-Hélène, PENARD Pierre, “New Optimizations for Layered Non-Binary LDPC Codes Decoding”. International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing, may 2012, vol. 3, n° 1
    30. ZAIBI Sonia, ZRIBI Amin, PYNDIAH Ramesh, ALOUI Nadia, “Joint source/channel iterative arithmetic decoding with JPEG 2000 image transmission application.” EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing, july 2012, n° 114




    Books & Editorials (7)


    1. JEZEQUEL Michel, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Turbo Codes : errors-correcting codes of widening application,” London : Hermès Penton Science, 2001. ISBN : 1-9039-9626-0. 206 p.
    2. JEZEQUEL Michel, PYNDIAH Ramesh. « Turbocodes : une technique qui se diffuse», Annales des télécommunications, 2001, Vol. 56, N° 7-8,
    3. P. ADDE, G. BATTAIL, C. BERROU, E. BIGLIERI, C. DOUILLARD, A. GLAVIEUX, M. JEZEQUEL, A. PICART, A. POLI, R. PYNDIAH and S. VATON, « Codage de canal: des bases théoriques aux turbo-codes, » Hermès 2004.,
    4. PYNDIAH Ramesh, JEZEQUEL Michel. Les turbocodes. Annales des télécommunications, 2005, Vol. 60, N° 1-2, p. 6-9.
    5. Luc Vandendorpe, Alex M. Haimovich, and Ramesh Pyndiah, “Special issue on Turbo Processing”. EURASIP JASP, Vol. 2005, Issue 6, 2005.
    6. BERROU Claude, ADDE Patrick, GLAVIEUX Alain, PYNDIAH Ramesh, JEZEQUEL Michel. « La double correction des turbocodes. L'histoire des nombres,” Présenté par "La Recherche", Tallandier, 2007, pp. 145-151, ISBN 978-2-84734-422-6 (Book chapter)
    7. GLAVIEUX Alain, ADDE Patrick, BATTAIL Gérard, DOUILLARD Catherine, PICART Annie, PYNDIAH Ramesh, VATON Sandrine, POLI Alain, JEZEQUEL Michel, BIGLIERI Ezio. « Channel coding in communication networks : from theory to turbocodes,” Edited by Alain Glavieux London : ISTE Ltd, 2007, 418 p. ISBN 978-1-905209-24-8



    Invited talks ( 12)


    1. R. Pyndiah, F.L.M. Van Den Bogaart, “MMIC technology sets a new state of the art for microwave vector modulators,” in workshop Proc. MMICs for space applications ESTEC-ESA, Nordwijk, 1990.
    2. C. Berrou, A. Glavieux, R. Pyndiah, “Turbo-codes : Principes et Applications,”  GRETSI-95, Juan les Pins, Sept. 95.
    3. Ramesh PYNDIAH, “Iterative decoding of product codes : block turbo codes,” Int. Symposium on turbo codes and related topics, Brest, Sept. 1997.
    4. Ramesh PYNDIAH, “Research at ENST Bretagne on Digital Wireless transmission”. Seminar Yokosuka Research Park, Japan, Dec. 9, 1999.
    5. PYNDIAH Ramesh and ADDE Patrick, “Recent results on  Block Turbo Codes”. Internal seminar University of Southampton, UK, Dec. 2001.
    6. Ramesh PYNDIAH “Joint Source-Channel coding and decoding”. Internal seminar University of Southampton, UK, Dec. 2001.
    7. PYNDIAH Ramesh, ADDE Patrick, ZHOU Rong. “Block Turbo Codes : Ten years later”. IEE Seminar on Sparse Graph Codes, London, October 12, 2004.
    8. Ramesh PYNDIAH, “Block Turbo Codes : from theory to applications”. Internal Seminar University of Leeds, UK, April 19, 2005.
    9. BERROU Claude, PYNDIAH Ramesh, ADDE Patrick, DOUILLARD Catherine, LE BIDAN Raphaël. “An Overview of Turbo Codes and Their Applications,” Proc. 2nd European Conference on Wireless Technology ECWT'05 - Paris - France - 3-4 Oct. 2005, 2005.
    10. Ramesh PYNDIAH, “Low complexity Reed-Solomon Block Turbo Codes”. France-Japan seminar on  wireless communications, Paris, Sept. 23, 2005.
    11. Ramesh PYNDIAH, “An overview of UWB technology”. IET workshop: Practical applications of wireless technology, Paris, Oct. 10, 2006.
    12. Ramesh PYNDIAH, “Overview of GET digital communications research activities”. Motorola Workshop, Paris, Oct. 26, 2006.




    Conferences (95)


    1. R. Pyndiah, A. Deswartes, M. Wolny, J.C. Meunier, “13-16 GHz MMIC Low Noise Amplifier using MOVPE HEMTs,” in Proc. 18th European Microwave Conference, Stockholm, Sept. 1988, pp. 568-573.
    2. P. Gamand, R. Pyndiah, S. Gourier, M. Wolny, P. Suchet, “HEMT MMICs : A new generation of circuits,” in Proc. 13th workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, Cabourg, May 1989.
    3. R. Pyndiah, P. Jean, R. Leblanc, J.C Meunier, “GaAs monolithic direct linear (1-2.8) GHz QPSK modulator,” in Proc. 19th European Microwave Conference, London pp. 597-602, Sept. 1989,.
    4. P. Gamand, R. Pyndiah, D. Nugent, “HEMT wideband monolithic amplifiers and oscillators,” in workshop Proc. 19th European Microwave Conference, London, pp. 27-32, Sept. 1989.
    5. F.L.M. Van Den Bogaart, R. Pyndiah, “A 10-14 GHz linear MMIC vector modulator with less than 0.1 dB and 1° amplitude and phase error” in Proc. IEEE 1990 Microwave and Millimeter Wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium, Dallas, Texas, pp. 131-134., May 1990
    6. F.L.M. Van Den Bogaart, R. Pyndiah, “A high performance vector modulator integrated on GaAs for phased-array and ECM applications,” in Proc. Military Microwaves' 90, London, pp. 387-392, July 1990.
    7. J.M. Paillot, R. Pyndiah, J.C Nallatamby, A. Guivarc'h, C. Ripoll, M. Prigent, “MMIC oscillator phase noise measurement and simulation using experimental FET LF noise data and state of the art CAD tool,” in Proc. 20th European Microwave Conference, Budapest, Sept. 1990.
    8. R. Pyndiah, A. Glavieux, A. Picart, S. Jacq, “Near optimum decoding of product codes” in proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM'94 conference, San Francisco, Nov. 1994.
    9. S. Jacq, R. Pyndiah, A. Picart, “Algorithme turbo : un nouveau procédé de décodage des codes produits,” GRETSI-95, Juan les Pins, Sept. 1995.
    10. O. Aitsab, R. Pyndiah, “Performances des turbo-codes en blocs Q-aires Reed Solomon,” GRETSI-95, Juan les Pins, Sept. 1995.
    11. O. Raoul, P. Adde, R. Pyndiah, “Architecture et conception d'un circuit turbo-décodeur pour un code produit,” GRETSI-95, Juan les Pins, Sept. 1995.
    12. R. Pyndiah, A. Picart, A. Glavieux, “Performance of block turbo coded 16QAM and 64QAM modulations,” IEEE GLOBECOM'95 conference, Singapore, Nov. 95.
    13. Annie Picart and R. Pyndiah, “Performance of turbo-decoded product codes used in multilevel coding,”  in proc. of IEEE  ICC'96 Conference, DallasTX, June 1996.
    14. P. Adde, R. Pyndiah and  O. Raoul, “ Performance and complexity of a block turbo coder circuit,” ECECS'96 Conference, Greece, Oct. 1996.
    15. R. Pyndiah, P. Combelles  and P.Adde, “A very low complexity block turbo decoder for product codes,” IEEE  GLOBECOM '96 Conference, London, Nov. 1996.
    16. O. Aitsab, R. Pyndiah, B. Solaiman, “Joint optimization of multi-dimensional SOFM codebooks with QAM modulations for vector quantized image transmission”, 3rd Int. Workshop in Signal/Image Processing IWSIP'96, Manchester, Nov. 1996.
    17. O. Aitsab and R. Pyndiah, “Performance of Reed-Solomon block turbo code,” IEEE  GLOBECOM '96 Conference, vol 1/3, pp 121-125, London, Nov. 1996.
    18. B. Solaiman, R. Pyndiah, O. Aitsab, C. Roux, “Robust source coding scheme for image transmission over noisy channels”, Colloquium on “the future of mobile multimedia communications, London, Dec. 1996.
    19. B. Solaiman, R. Pyndiah, O. Aitsab, C. Roux, “Transmission errors recovery using fuzzy block similarity measures”, ICIP'97 conference, Santa Barbara, October 97, vol 2, pp 330-333.
    20. B. Solaiman, R. Pyndiah, O. Aitsab, G. Cazugel, C. Roux, “A hybrid Fuzzy-Neural approach for image compression/transmission over noisy channels”, PCS'97 conference, 1997.
    21. B. Solaiman, R. Pyndiah, O. Aitsab, G. Cazugel, C. Roux, “Mesures de similarité floue pour la détection d'erreurs de transmission d'images avec quantification vectorielle”, CORESA-97, Paris, 26-27 Mars 1997.
    22. O. Aitsab, R. Pyndiah and B. Solaiman, “Optimisation conjointe d'un décodeur source et d'une modulation codée pour la transmission numérique d'images sur un canal bruité,” GRETSI-97 Conference, Grenoble, Sept. 1997.
    23. O. Aitsab, R. Pyndiah and B. Solaiman, “Iterative source/channel decoding using block turbo code and VQ for image transmission,” Int. Symposium on turbo codes and related topics, Brest, Sept. 1997.
    24. P. Adde, R. Pyndiah, O. Raoul and J.R. Inisan, “Block turbo decoder design,” Int. Symposium on turbo codes and related topics, Brest, Sept. 1997.
    25. André Goalic and R. Pyndiah, “Real-time turbo-decoding of product codes on a signal processor,” IEEE  GLOBECOM '97 Conference, Phoenix, Nov. 1997.
    26. O. Aitsab and R. Pyndiah, “Performance of concatenated Reed-Solomon/convolutional codes with iterative decoding,” IEEE  GLOBECOM '97 Conference, Phoenix, Nov. 1997.
    27. R. Pyndiah, B. Solaiman and O. Aitsab, “Optimized source coding and coded modulation for digital transmission of still images on a noisy channel,” IEEE  ICIP '98 Conference, Chicago, Oct. 1998.
    28. Abdessamad Elbaz, O. Aitsab, R. Pyndiah and B. Solaiman, “Channel decoding of block codes with a priori information,” IEEE  Globecom '98 Conference, Sydney, Dec. 1998.
    29. Abdessamad Elbaz, R. Pyndiah, B. Solaiman and  O. Aitsab "Décodage  des codes correcteurs d'erreurs avec information a priori de la source," GRETSI'99 Symposium, Vannes, Sept. 1999.
    30. Annie Picart and R. Pyndiah, "Décodage itératif des codes produits avec des coefficients adaptatifs", GRETSI'99 Symposium, Vannes, Sept. 1999, Tome 3.
    31. André Goalic, N. Chapalain and R. Pyndiah, "Implementation of a low complexity algorithm for BCH block Turbo decoding on Digital Signal Processor,"ICSPAT'99 Conference, Orlando USA, November 99.
    32. Annie Picart and R. Pyndiah, “Adapted Iterative decoding of product codes,” IEEE  Globecom '99 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 1999.
    33. Abdessamad Elbaz, R. Pyndiah, B. Solaiman and O. Aitsab, “Iterative decoding of product codes with a priori information over a Gaussian channel for still image transmission,” IEEE  Globecom '99 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 1999.
    34. P. Adde and R. Pyndiah, “Recent Simplifications and Improvements in Block Turbo Codes,” 2nd International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, pp. 133-136, Brest, Sep. 2000.
    35. K. Cavalec and R. Pyndiah, “Block Turbo Codes for Transmit and Receive Diversity Systems,” 2nd International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, pp. 379-382, Brest, Sep. 2000.
    36. D. Lacroix, R. Pyndiah, A. Glavieux and S. Saoudi “Optimisation of the Elementary Soft BCH Decoder for a block Turbo Code Combined with a 16-QAM,” 2nd International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, pp. 539-542, Brest, Sep. 2000.
    37. N.Chapalain, A. Guéguen, D. Castelain, R. Pyndiah "A Way to Combat the Sub-optimality of Turbo Decoding of Product Codes", EPMCC'01 (4th European Personal Mobile Communications Conference), 20-22 février 2001, Vienne, Autriche.
    38. N.Chapalain, N. Le Héno, D. Castelain, R. Pyndiah "Perform of Block Turbo Code in a Hiperlan/2 Office Environment", ISSSE'01 (International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics), 24-27 juillet 2001, Tokyo, Japon.
    39. ADDE Patrick, PYNDIAH Ramesh. Architecture de décodeur de code produit haut débit. 18ème colloque GRETSI'01 sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Toulouse, France, 10-13 september 2001, 2001.
    40. PYNDIAH Ramesh, ADDE Patrick. Block Turbo Code from theory to practice. Online Symposium for Electronics Engineers, (http://www.osee.net/), 2001.
    41. ADDE Patrick, PYNDIAH Ramesh, KEROUEDAN Sylvie. Block turbo code with binary input for improving quality of service. Multiaccess Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications, Rennes, France, Juin 2002, Vol. 6, 2002. p. 195-204.
    42. J. Cuevas, P. Adde, S. Kerouedan and R. Pyndiah, “New Architecture for High Data Rate Turbo Decoding of Product Codes,” IEEE  Globecom '02 Conference, Taipei, Nov. 2002.
    43. REY C, AMIS CAVALEC Karine, DUGELAY J.l., PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Enhanced robustness in image watermarking using block turbo codes”, Proceedings of SPIE - Electronic Imaging '03' Security and watermarking of multimedia contents - San Jose - USA- Janvier 2003, 2003.
    44. R. Pyndiah and Patrick Adde, “Performance of high code rate BTC for non traditional applications,” 3nrd International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, pp. 157-160, Brest, Sep. 2003.
    45. ZAIBI Sonia, AMMAR Mahmoud, AMIS CAVALEC Karine, PYNDIAH Ramesh, SAOUDI Samir. “Block turbo codes for efficient image transmission over wireless channels”,  SPIE San Jose - USA - January 2004, 2004.
    46. ZHOU Rong, PYNDIAH Ramesh, GOALIC André, “Small Block Reed-Solomon BTC for Reliable Transmission”  ICCTTA’04 - Damas - Syrie - avril 2004, 2004.
    47. MOURAD Abdel-Majid, GUEGUEN A., PYNDIAH Ramesh. “MAI Analysis for forward Link Mono-Dimensionnaly Spread OFDM Systems”, IEEE VehicularTechnologyConferenceSpring2004 (VTCS'04), Milan, May 2004, 2004.
    48. MOURAD Abdel-Majid, GUEGUEN A., PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Impact of the Spreading Sequences on the Performance of Forward Link MC-CDMA Systems” Eight IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) Sydney, September 2004, 2004.
    49. ZHOU Rong, PICART Annie, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Performance of low complexity high code rate Reed-Solomon Block Turbo codes”,  ISIVC'04 - France - Brest - July, 2004.
    50. ZHOU Rong, PICART Annie, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Achieveing Channel Capacity with low complexity RS-BTC using QPSK over AWGN channel”, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'04) Bresil - Fortaleza - August, 2004.
    51. ZHOU Rong, PICART Annie, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Reliable Transmission with low complexity Reed-Solomon Block Turbo Codes”, 1st International Symposium on Wireless Communication System (ISWCS'04), Mauritius, September, 2004.
    52. ZHOU Rong, PICART Annie, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Performance of low complexity RS-BTC with M-ary Phase-Shift Keying”, Global Mobile Congress (GMC) - Chine - Shanghai, October, 2004.
    53. ZHOU Rong, PICART Annie, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Potential Applications of low Complexity Non-Binary High Code Rate Block Turbo Codes”, MILCOM’04 - USA Monterey - October 2004, 2004.
    54. KIMURA Dai, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Application of Non-binary LDPC codes for Small Packet Transmision in Vehicle Communications”. ITS’04 - Brest - France - juin 2005, 2005.
    55. SALEM Faten, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUALLEGUE Ammar,. New Multiple Access Frame Differential DS-UWB System. UWBNETS’04 - Boston - USA - October, 2005.
    56. SALEM Faten, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUALLEGUE Ammar, “Synchronization Usign an Adaptative Early-Late Algorithm for IR-TH-UWB Transmission in Multipath Scenarios,” ISWCS’05 - Siena - Italy - 5-7 september, 2005
    57. SALEM Faten, BOUALLEGUE Ammar, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Détection multi-utilisateurs asynchrones dans un système UWB,” Colloque International Telecom'2005 - Rabat - Maroc - 23-24 mars, 2005.
    58. SALEM Faten, BOUALLEGUE Ammar, PYNDIAH Ramesh. Simulation d'un système de transmission UWB multi-utilisateurs synchrones , SETIT 2005 - Tunisie - 27-31 mars, 2005.
    59. SICOT Guillaume, PYNDIAH Ramesh. Etude des parties codantes de l'ADN en fonction du sens lecture,  GRETSI 2005 - Louvain La Neuve - Belgique, 2005.
    60. MOURAD Abdel-Majid, GUEGUEN A., PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Interface between Link and System Level Simulations for Douwnlink MC-CDMA Cellular Systems,” 11th European Wireless 2005 Conference, Nicosia, april 2005, 2005.
    61. MOURAD Abdel-Majid, GUEGUEN A., PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Impact of the MC-CDMA Physical Layer Algorithms on the Downlink Capacity in a Multi-Cellular Environment,” 62nd IEEE Vehical Technology Conference Fall 2005, Dallas, 2005.
    62. KIMURA Dai, PYNDIAH Ramesh, GUILLOUD Frédéric. « Construction of parity-check matrices for non-binary LDPC codes,” 4th international symposium on turbo codes and related topics, April 3-7, Munich, Allemagne, 2006
    63. CHANGUEL Samar, LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Iterative decoding of block turbo codes over the binary erasure channel,” ICSPC'07 : IEEE international conference on signal processing and communications, November 24-27, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2007
    64. KABAT Andrzej Michal, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “New approach to order statistics decoding of long linear block codes,” GLOBECOM'07 : 50th annual IEEE Global telecommunications conference, November 26-30, Washington, USA, 2007
    65. KABAT Andrzej Michal, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “On the sensibility of the arranged list of the most a priori likely tests algorithm,” MILCOM'07 : Military communications conference, October 29-31, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2007
    66. LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH Ramesh, ADDE Patrick. “Some results on the binary minimum distance of Reed-Solomon codes and block turbo codes,” ICC'07 : IEEE International conference on communications, June 24-28, Glasglow, United Kingdom, 2007, pp. 990-994
    67. SICOT Guillaume, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “Study on the genetic code : comparison with multiplexed codes,” ISIT'07 : IEEE international symposium on information theory, June 24-29, Nice, France, 2007
    68. CHANGUEL Samar, LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH RameshPragmatic two-level coded modulation using Reed-Solomon product codes. ICICS'07 : 6th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal processing, December 10-13, Singapore, 2007
    69. EL TABACH Mamdouh, TORTELIER Patrick, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUCHET Olivier, “Modified OFDM/OQAM for personal optical wireless with direct detection. ICTTA'08 : 3rd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies : from theory to applications, 07-11 april 2008, Damascus, SyrianArabRepublic, 2008
    70. EL TABACH Mamdouh, TORTELIER Patrick, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUCHET Olivier, “On free-space optic communication with alamouti-type coding and direct detection. ISWPC'08 : 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 07-09 may 2008, Santorini, Greece, 2008
    71. ZRIBI Amin, ZAIBI Sonia, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUALLÈGUE Ammar
      Joint source/channel turbo decoding of arithmetic codes,” ISIVC 2008 : 4th International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed and mobile networks, 9-11 July, Bilbao, Spain, 2008
    72. EL TABACH Mamdouh, TORTELIER Patrick, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUCHET Olivier, “Diffuse infrared personal optical wireless based and modified OFDM/OQAM. CSNDSP : 6th Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 23-25 july 2008, Graz, Austria, 2008
    73. ZRIBI Amin, ZAIBI Sonia, PYNDIAH Ramesh, AMMAR Mahmoud, BOUALLEGUE Ammar
      Low-complexity joint source/channel turbo decoding of arithmetic codes, 5th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Related Topics, september 1-5 , Munich, Germany, 2008, pp. 385-389
    74. EL TABACH Mamdouh, SAOUDI Samir, TORTELIER P, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUCHET Olivier, “Improved bit-error-rate estimation over experimental optical wireless channels,” SPIE Photonics West 2009, free-space laser communication technologies XXI, 24-29 January, San Jose, CA, USA, 2009
    75. ZRIBI Amin, ZAIBI Sonia, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUALLEGUE Ammar,”Low-complexity joint source/channel turbo decoding of arithmetic codes with image transmission application. IEEE Data Compression Conference, 16-18 march 2009, Snowbird, Utah, United States, 2009, pp. 472, ISBN 978-0-7695-3592-0
    76. ZRIBI Amin, ZAIBI Sonia, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUALLEGUE Ammar
      Chase like decoding of arithmetic codes with image transmission applications”. SITIS 2009 : 5th international conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet based Systems , 29 november - 03 december 2009, Marrakech, Morocco, 2009.
      A now variant of nonparametric belief propagation for self-localization. ICT : International Conférence on Telecommunications , 04-07 april 2010, Doha, Qatar, 2010, pp. 822-827
    78. EL AOUN Moustapha, LE BIDAN Raphaël, LAGRANGE Xavier, PYNDIAH Ramesh
      Multiple-packet versus single-packet incremental redundancy strategies for type-II hybrid ARQ. International symposium on turbo codes and iterative information processing, 06-10 september 2010, Brest, France, 2010.
    79. PYNDIAH Ramesh, GUILLOUD Frédéric, AMIS CAVALEC Karine,”Multiple source cooperative coding using turbo product codes with a noisy relay”. 6th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing, 06-10 september 2010, Brest, France, 2010
    80. YIN Yizhi, PYNDIAH Ramesh, AMIS CAVALEC Karine, “Performance of random linear network codes concatenated with reed-solomon codes using turbo decoding”. 6th International symposium on turbo codes & iterative information processing, Brest : 06-10 september 2010, Brest, France, 2010
    81. YOO Hyunseuk, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Low complexity partial selected mapping for PAPR reduction of OFDM system”. IEEE SCVT 2010: 7th Annual Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology, Mark Bentum, 24-25 november 2010, Enschede, Netherlands, 2010.
    82. YOO Hyunseuk, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “OFDM-PAPR reduction using coded frequency division binary mask”. EW 2011 : European Wireless, 27-29 april 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011.
    83. LAHSINI Cyrine, ZAIBI Sonia, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUALLEGUE Ammar, “Distributed video coding in pixel domain using spatial correlation at the decoder”. DCC 2011: IEEE Data Compression Conference, 28 march - 02 april 2011, Snowbird, United States, 2011, pp. 463, ISBN 978-1-61284-279-
    84. YOO Hyunseuk, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Low complexity SLM technique with an interleaver- butterfly ensemble for PAPR reduction of power limited OFDM system”. IEEE Spring VTC 2011: 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference, 15-18 may 2011, Budapest, Hungary, 2011.
    85. NOUREDDINE AL MOUSSAWI Hadi, GRESSET Nicolas, CASTELAIN Damien, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Auto-regressive modeling of the shadowing for RSS mobile tracking”. ICC 2011 : IEEE International Conference on Communications, 05-09 june 2011, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.
    86. EL AOUN Moustapha, LAGRANGE Xavier, LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH Ramesh, « Analyse des schémas HARQ classiques et évolués (schémas multi-paquets) en présence d'une voie de retour imparfaite ». XXIIIe colloque GRETSI : traitement du signal et des images, 05-08 septembre 2011, Bordeaux, France, 2011
    87. NOUREDDINE AL MOUSSAWI Hadi, CASTELAIN Damien, PYNDIAH Ramesh, « Cooperative Network localizability via Semidefinite Programming ». IEEE-PIMRC 2011: 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 11-14 september 2011, Toronto, Canada, 2011, pp. 1314-1318
    88. YIN Yizhi, PYNDIAH Ramesh, AMIS CAVALEC Karine, “Multi-source cooperative communications using low-density parity-check product codes”. 14th International symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'11), 03-07 october 2011, Brest, France, 2011
    89. EL AOUN Moustapha, LAGRANGE Xavier, LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Analysis and optimization of hybrid single packet and multiple-packets incremental redundancy in the presence of channel state information”. The 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 03-07 october 2011, Brest, France, 2011.
    90. YOO Hyunseuk, GUILLOUD Frédéric, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Phase uncertainty algorithm on radix-2 for reducing the PAPR of multiple candidate OFDM system”. 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications , 03-07 october 2011, Brest, France, 2011.
    91. EL AOUN Moustapha, LAGRANGE Xavier, LE BIDAN Raphaël, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Throughput analysis of hybrid single-packet and multiple-packet truncated type-II HARQ strategies with unreliable feedback channel”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 01-04 april 2012, Paris, France, 2012, pp. 86-91.
    92. FADLALLAH Yasser, AISSA EL BEY Abdeldjalil, AMIS CAVALEC Karine, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Interference Alignment: Precoding Subspaces Design.” SPAWC 2012: 13th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 17-20 june 2012, Çeşme, Turkey, 2012
    93. FADLALLAH Yasser, AISSA EL BEY Abdeldjalil, AMIS CAVALEC Karine, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “Interference alignment: improved design via precoding vectors.” VTC 2012: 75th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference , 06-09 may 2012, Yokohama, Japan, 2012.
    94. LAHSINI Cyrine, ZAIBI Sonia, PYNDIAH Ramesh, BOUALLEGUE Ammar, “A low complexity pixel Domain video based on arithmetic and turbo codes.” ICWCUCA 2012: IEEE international Conference on Wireless Communications in Unusual and Confined Area, 28-30 august 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2012.
    95. YIN Yizhi, PYNDIAH Ramesh, AMIS CAVALEC Karine, “Performance of Turbo Product Codes on the Multiple-Access Relay Channel with Relatively Poor Source-Relay Links.” SPAWC 2012 : 13th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 17-20 june 2012, Çeşme , Turkey, 2012







    Patents (17)


    1. R. Pyndiah, P. Gamand, “Very high frequency mixer,” brevet réf. PFH.87-515, no. 87-03-084, Mars 1987.
    2. P. Philippe, R. Pyndiah, “Circuit déphaseur actif,” brevet réf. PFH.87-621, no. 87-18-393, Décembre 87.
    3. P. Francheteau, R. Pyndiah, “Circuit actif hyperfréquence du type passe-tout,” brevet réf. PFH.88-555, no. 88-08-300, Juin 88.
    4. E. Delhaye, M. Wolny, T. Aguilla, R. Pyndiah, “Dispositif semi-conducteur intégré incluant une bascule bi-stable,” brevet réf. PFH.89-506, no. 89-00-811, Janvier 1989.
    5. E. Delhaye, M. Wolny, T. Aguilla, R. Pyndiah, “Dispositif semiconducteur intégré incluant un doubleur de fréquence,” brevet réf. PFH.89-504, no. 89-00-809, Janvier 1989.
    6. E. Delhaye, M. Wolny, T. Aguilla, R. Pyndiah, “Dispositif semi-conducteur intégré incluant un étage OU-exclusif complémentaire,” brevet réf. PFH.89-..., no. 89-00-8.., Janvier 1989.
    7. R. Pyndiah, F.L.M. Van Den Bogaart, “Dispositif semi-conducteur intégré incluant un circuit isolateur actif,” brevet ref. PFH.89-519, no. 89-03-308, Mars 1989.
    8. R. Pyndiah, A. Glavieux, C. Berrou, “Method for detecting information bits processed by concatenated block codes”, French patent no. 93 13858 filed Nov. 1993, EP n° 0654910, US n° 5563897, JP n° 311140.
    9. R. Pyndiah et P. Adde, “Process for transmitting information bits with error correction coding and decoder for the implementation of this process”, French patent n° 96 10520 filed Aug. 1996, EP 0827285, US 6122763.
    10. R. Pyndiah et P. Adde, “Process for transmitting information bits with error correction coding and decoder for the implementation of this process”, French patent n° 96 10521 filed Aug. 1996, EP 0827284, US 6065147.
    11. ADDE Patrick, PYNDIAH Ramesh. “High speed module, device and method for the decoding of a concatenated code »,  French patent n° 00/14521, JP/US and EP extensions pending.
    12. D. Kimura, R. Pyndiah and F. Guilloud, “Wireless Communication System Method for Constructing That Wireless Communication System, and Receiver” patent filed 2006- International patent pending.
    13. D. Kimura, R. Pyndiah and F. Guilloud, “Parity Check Matrix Construction Method and system and transmitter and receiver”, patent filed 2006- International patent pending.
    14. R. Pyndiah, A. Kabat, K. Amis-Cavalec, F. Guilloud, « Procédé de transmission d'un signal numérique entre au moins un émetteur et au moins un récepteur, mettant en oeuvre au moins un relais, produit programme et dispositif relais correspondant » Propriété Institut TELECOM ; TELECOM Bretagne. 02/04/2008
    15. PYNDIAH Ramesh, « Procédé et dispositif de transmission d'un signal multiporteuse réduisant le rapport puissance moyenne, procédé et dispositif de réception, programmes et signal correspondants, »  Propriété Institut TELECOM ; TELECOM Bretagne. 10/06/2008 26 p.
    16. Y. Roua, A. Grael i Amat, PYNDIAH Ramesh, « Procédé de transmission d’un signal numérique mettant en œuvre au moins un relais multi-utilisateur dans un réseau coopératif, produit programme et dispositif relais correspondants », Propriété Institut TELECOM ; TELECOM Bretagne. 07/09/2009: FR0956087.
    17. WANG Hai-Bin, WANG Jun, WU Lixin, AISSA EL BEY Abdeldjalil, PYNDIAH Ramesh, “A kind of underwater time service and synchronisation method ». Propriété ., Institut Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB. WO/2011/020222, 24/02/2011.





    Standards (2)


    [Tdoc 576/98]        SMG2 UMTS L1 Tdoc 576/98, “ An alternative turbo code for UMTS : Block Turbo Codes,” 9-12 Novembre 1998, Sophia-Antipolis, France.


    [Tdoc 663/98]        SMG2 UMTS L1 Tdoc 663/98, “ Some performance of Block Turbo Codes for data transmission,” 14-18 Décembre 1998, Espoo, Finlande.

