xCALE : eXplaining Competency and Autonomy development in Learning Environments


eXplaining Competency and Autonomy development in Learning Environments
Projet ANR
Agrément n° ANR-20-CE38-0010
Démarrage : 2021
Fin : 2024

xCALE is a research project funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR – the French National Research Agency) that will last 42 months and start in april 2021. It gathers the strength of Lab-STICC, LS2N, CREAD and France-IOI.

With the advent of MOOCs, and the success of exercise-based platforms, large-scale online environments are becoming widespread, both in distant learning and in blended learning. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is known to have a good potential on autonomy development and on maintaining motivation for learners, both in MOOCs , and in blended learning within exercise-based platforms. Developing Self-Regulated Learning Strategies is also known to have a positive impact on academic achievement. Our main objective in this project is to investigate how to support successfully self-regulated learning at a large scale, with an approach that aims to estimate acquired skills levels and metacognitive levels about students to provide appropriate interventions. 


xCale partners : Lab-STICC, LS2N, Cread, France-IOIUniversities partners


Work Packages of xCALE




  • Investigating Self-Regulated Learning Measurement Based on Trace Data: A Systematic Literature Review. (2025, en révision)
    Amine Boulahmel, Fahima Djelil, Jean-Marie Gilliot & Grégory Smits
    Technology, Knowledge and Learning 


  • Demande d’aide et engagement en formation.
    Marine Roche, Jérôme Eneau, Hugues Pentecouteau.
    Éducation permanente, 2024, 238 (2024–1), https://education–permanente.com/catalogue/n238/. ⟨hal–04532706⟩
  • L’autorégulation des apprentissages dans une formation pour adultes. 
    Marine Roche, Hugues Pentecouteau, Jérôme Eneau, Geneviève Lameul, Eric Bertrand.
    Savoirs : Revue internationale de recherches en éducation et formation des adultes, 2024, N° 64 (1), pp.53–70. ⟨10.3917/savo.064.0053⟩. ⟨hal–04529562⟩
  • Mining Discriminative Sequential Patterns of Self–regulated Learners.
    Amine Boulahmel, Fahima Djelil, Jean–Marie Gilliot, Philippe Leray, Gregory Smits.
    International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Jun 2024, Thessalonique, Greece. pp.137–149. ⟨hal–04617383⟩


  • Présentation de la recherche xCALE. France. 
    Marine Roche, Jérôme Eneau, Hugues Pentecouteau, Geneviève Lameul, Eric Bertrand, et al.
    2023. France ⟨hal–04323168⟩
  • La demande d’aide dans le cadre d’une formation pour adultes mobilisant une plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne.
    Marine Roche, Jérôme Eneau, Hugues Pentecouteau.
    Biennale de l’éducation, de la formation et des pratiques professionnelles, Sep 2023, Paris, France. hal–04216592
  • Towards a Skill–based Self–Regulated Learning Recommendation System.
    Amine Boulahmel, Fahima Djelil, Jean–Marie Gilliot, Grégory Smits. 
    Doctoral Consortium of the 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Sep 2023, Aveiro, Portugal. ⟨hal–04285013⟩
  • Analyse d'une stratégie d'autorégulation; la recherche d'aide dans l'apprentissage de la programmation sur une plateforme d'apprentissage en ligne
    Marine Roche, Fahima Djelil,  Jérôme Eneau, Jean-Marie Gilliot,  Geneviève Lameul, Hugues Pentecouteau.
    EIAH2023: 11ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Juin 2023, Brest.<hal-04130846>
  • Un modèle générique avec structuration des compétences et facteurs externes pour le Bayesian Knowledge Tracing. 
    Quentin Couland, Philippe Leray, Amine Boulahmel.
    11èmes Journées Francophones sur les Réseaux Bayésiens et les Modèles Graphiques Probabilistes, Nantes Université – pôle Sciences et technologie, Jun 2023, Nantes,, France. ⟨hal–04154064⟩
  • Seeking or not Seeking Help? Using an Online Learning Environment in an Adult Training
    Marine Roche , Eric Betrand , Hugues Pentecouteau , Geneviève Lameul , Jérôme Eneau
    AIS Research Network Sociology of Education International Mid-term Conference, AIS - Sociologia de l'educazione, Apr 2023, Palerme (Italie), Italy. <hal-04072688v1>


  • L’autorégulation environnementale dans une formation pour adultes en France
    Marine Roche , Hugues Pentecouteau , Jérôme Eneau , Éric Bertrand , Geneviève Lameul.
    Forum citoyen international de l'éducation, Nov 2022, Hammamet, Tunisie.<hal-03794749v1>
  • L’autorégulation des apprentissages dans une formation pour adulte. L’exemple de la demande d’aide
    Marine Roche , Hugues Pentecouteau , Philippe Leray, Fahma Djelil, Éric Bertrand, Jérôme Eneau, Geneviève Lameul. 
    Congrès International d'Actualité de la Recherche en Education et en Froamtion (AREF), Sep 2022, Lausanne, Suisse. <hal-03749565v1>


  • Supporting Self-Regulation Learning Using a Bayesian Approach. Some Preliminary Insights.
    Fahima Djelil, Jean-Marie Gilliot, Serge Garlatti, Philippe Leray.
    International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-21, Workshop Artificial Intelligence for Education, Aug 2021, Montreal (virtual), Canada. ⟨hal-03325733⟩


Jean-Marie Gilliot Jean-Marie Gilliot - IMT Atlantique - Lab-STICC MOTEL 
 Project's Coordinator

 Twitter : @jmgilliot



  • Fahima Djelil -  IMT Atlantique - Lab-STICC MOTEL  - WP2 Leader
  • Philippe Leray - University of Nantes - LS2N - WP3 Leader
  • Mathias Hiron - France IOI - WP4 Leader
  • Éric Bertrand - University of Rennes - CREAD - WP5 Leader
  • Baptiste Gaultier - IMT Atlantique 
  • Jérôme Eneau - University of Rennes - CREAD
  • Geneviève Lameul - University of Rennes - CREAD
  • Hoël Le Capitaine - University of Nantes - LS2N
  • Hugues Pentecouteau - University of Rennes - CREAD
  • Issam Rebaï -  IMT Atlantique - Lab-STICC MOTEL 
  • Grégory Smits - IMT Atlantique - Lab-STICC MOTEL  
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