PREVER platform

Research and Study Platform on Energy Recovery from Residues


PREVER is a research and innovation platform oriented towards the development of new high-performance technologies for energy recovery from waste, in a 520 m2 space located in the heart of IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire. Inaugurated in June 2014, it is equipped with ultra-modern research facilities and pilots that enable residue to be converted into high value-added energy in an optimal manner while limiting environmental impacts.

PREVER offers solutions for all types of waste. Backed by the department of energy systems and environment (GEPEA laboratory) at IMT Atlantique Bretagne - Pays de la Loire, the Prever platform is dedicated to Research and Energy Recovery from Residues. The platform, in close contact with research laboratories, will provide industrialists with a demonstrator to develop an appropriate solution for residue elimination through energy recovery.

Which technology for which type of waste ?



Analysis / Formulation

Wich reactor?


Development of energy carriers

Which type of conversion?


Energy performance study

Which type of pollution ?


Environmental Impact Assessment

Prever, proposer des solutionsintégrées relatives à chaque type de résidus

Fully instrumented research pilots allow us to analyze the conversion of residue into electrical or thermal energy or cogeneration. The technologies we use allow us to treat and destroy certain industrial and organic waste that is very common in the West of France. PREVER makes it possible to study and propose integrated solutions for any type of waste

We are especially focused on:

  • Waste from the food industry (several hundred thousand tonnes/year) and agricultural waste,
  • ocean wood waste soiled by accidental pollution (of the «oil spill» type),
  • Floating wood waste (around 100,000 tonnes per year on the west coast of France),
  • Waste from plastics and composites,
  • Sludge from water treatment plants,
  • Packaging waste

The energy recovery of residues depends on the performance of the technologies used.

What we can offer

  • Search for optimal solutions for energy recovery from your residues
  • Study and implementation of pre-industrial pilots
  • Demonstration/testing
    • Residue characterization and formulation
    • Elaboration of fuels or combustibles
    • Analysis and characterization of biofuels
    • Analysis and characterization of solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels.
  • Energy and environmental performance of biofuels and biofuels on instrumented reactors
    • Internal combustion engines
    • Turbines,
    • Boilers

Some waste requires prior processing into liquid or gaseous form, depending on the type of energy recovery applied.


3 spaces

  • Hall with reactors for converting residues into energy carriers
  • Three internal combustion engine test cells
  • A complete laboratory for the analysis and characterization of alternative fuels

Various technologies for energy recovery from waste are being studied and optimized

  • Direct combustion,
  • Gasification,
  • Pyrolysis,
  • Solvolysis,
  • Biological pathways,
  • Transesterification.

High-performance equipment at your service

  • For the shaping of residues
    • Grinder, Dryer and press
  • For the conversion of dry residue into a recoverable energy carrier
    • Pellet Boiler
    • Gas and biogas boiler
    • Generating boiler
    • Pyrolysis and gasification
  • For the conversion of wet residue into a recoverable energy carrier
    • Solvolysis or hydrothermal liquefaction
  • Internal combustion engine cells
    • 6 fully equipped and instrumented engine cells for the study of the energy and environmental performance of biofuels
  • Physical-chemical analysis laboratory
    • Gas and liquid chromatography
    • Chromatography-coupled mass spectroscopy
    • Atomic spectroscopy
    • Elemental analysis
    • Thermogravimetric analysis
    • Calorimetric bomb
    • Cetane and octane number measurement
    • Viscosity measurement, flash point
    • Etc.
  • Various equipment and prototypes
    • Micro gas turbine
    • Cogeneration with vegetable oil

Prever équipements Prever moteur à combustion

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Adress and Contact

Campus de Nantes La Chantrerie

4, rue Alfred Kastler - CS 20722 - 44307 Nantes cedex 3

Khaled Loubar

Carnot TSN