Gathering 31 partners from 10 different countries, DECARBOMILE aims to trigger an unprecedented improvement of the green last mile logistics in Europe. To reach that goal, DECARBOMILE relies on a strong experience of decarbonating urban logistics through European initiatives such as CIVITAS. Partners will build upon all previous results to develop improved delivery methods, tools and methodologies, and implement them across Europe.
The solutions developed in DECARBOMILE will demonstrate the full potential of decarbonised last mile logistics in four living labs (in Logrono - Spain, Nantes -France, Hamburg - Germany and Istanbul - Turkey) and 4 satellites (Tallinn - Estonia, Getafe - Spain, Ghent - Belgium and Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina) will be involved at a smaller scale to test and study the solution in their own local contexts
To be successful in its implementation, DECARBOMILE will rely on developed methodologies to implement the new solutions and delivery methods in collaboration with all relevant local stakeholders, based on their needs and behaviours. The relation with and between stakeholders will be facilitated by the creation of a collaborative urban consolidation logistics framework that will include a digital platform, methodologies for collaboration, and ICT and IoT tools. This common framework, along with tailored innovative business models and recommendations on local policies, will allow for a strong collaboration during the project, allow to learn more about the end-users’ needs and behaviours.
The delivery methods will be strongly improved with urban consolidation centres, micro urban consolidation centres including smart lockers, innovations on cargo bikes and how they can be used with load pooling for instance, electric barge and more. The goal is to use and improve existing solutions and allow their interoperability and modularity to improve their efficiency and use their complementarity.
The partners :
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg - Ayuntamiento De Logrono - Nantes Metropole - Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality - Tallinna Linn - Ayuntamiento De Getafe adg - Ministarstvo Saobracaja Kantona Sarajevo - Technische Universitat Hamburg - Copenhagen Business School - Capillar It Sl - Transmetrics Ad - Genegis Gi Srl - New Generation Sensors Srl - Instituto Tecnologico De Aragon – Itainnova- Sivas Cumhuriyet Universitesi - Migros Ticaret Anonim Sirketi - Les Triporteurs Nantais - Opleidingscentrum Voor Hout En Bouw Vzw - Expert & Education Center Ohb - Intelligent Parking Sl - Logistik-Initiative Hamburg Management Gmbh - Union Of The Baltic Cities Ubc - Association Cara - Pole De Competitivite Idforcar - Red De Ciudades Por La Bicicleta - Euroquality Sarl - Deutsche Post Ag
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme