The research conducted at IMT Atlantique ranges from highly fundamental to fully applicable. We take pride in maintaining this continuum in order to create a context favourable to the generating new knowledge, which is the basis for excellence in both teaching and innovation. Research in mathematics focuses on algorithms for signal processing, statistical methods for data analysis, machine learning algorithms, multi-objective optimisation, formal methods for code analysis and proof, algorithms for coding, decoding and information processing, and neuro-inspired algorithms for artificial intelligence.
The spectrum covered in physics concerns the study of elementary particles (quarks and gluons), as well as the search for dark matter and cosmic rays, the physics of the nucleus or the study of the properties of radio-elements. Our work includes understanding flows at fluid-solid interfaces in order to study transfer phenomena, multi-physics and multi-scale modelling and for studying porous structures on a nanometric scale.

KM3NeT is a research infrastructure housing the next generation neutrino telescopes. Once completed, the telescopes will have detector volumes between megaton and several cubic kilometres of clear sea water. Located in the deepest seas of the Mediterranean, KM3NeT will open a new window on our Universe, but also contribute to the research of the properties of the elusive neutrino particles. With the ARCA telescope, KM3NeT scientists will search for neutrinos from distant astrophysical sources such as supernovae, gamma ray bursters or colliding stars. The ORCA telescope is the instrument for KM3NeT scientists studying neutrino properties exploiting neutrinos generated in the Earth's atmosphere. Arrays of thousands of optical sensors will detect the faint light in the deep sea from charged particles originating from collisions of the neutrinos and the Earth. The facility will also house instrumentation for Earth and Sea sciences for long-term and on-line monitoring of the deep sea environment and the sea bottom at depth of several kilometers.
more information on the official website, link at the bottom of the page

SEED, which stands for Societal, Energy, Environmental, industrial and Digital transitions, is a 60-month interdisciplinary, international and intersectoral doctoral training programme offered by IMT Atlantique and co-funded by the European Union. The programme itself is designed to nurture four key dimensions: thesis interdisciplinarity, internationality, cross-sector experience, and promotion of innovation. It offers 40 fully funded early-stage researcher (ESR) positions within three different tracks. Each track builds on the same fundamental excellence trainings implementing a 4i approach (Interdisciplinarity, Internationality, Intersectorial, Innovation), while providing a different degree of mobility and focus:
This project aims to revolutionize data storage using DNA, offering long-term storage stability and ease of use. Faced with competition from North American consortia, the aim is to make French research an international leader in polymer-based storage. The project is spread over 7 years, with a budget of 20 million euros. It focuses on three major challenges: DNA synthesis, information compression and the exploration of new polymers. The 5-year objective is to achieve a DNA read/write cycle of 1 bit per second, enabling 10 GB of data to be stored in 24 hours. Demonstrators will be created for archiving, marking, computing and molecular engineering applications. The CNRS is coordinating this project involving over 20 interdisciplinary laboratories, with the aim of strengthening France's position in the national and European research communities.
This project aims to revolutionize data storage using DNA, offering long-term storage stability and ease of use. Faced with competition from North American consortia, the aim is to make French research an international leader in polymer-based storage. The project is spread over 7 years, with a budget of 20 million euros. It focuses on three major challenges: DNA synthesis, information compression and the exploration of new polymers. The 5-year objective is to achieve a DNA read/write cycle of 1 bit per second, enabling 10 GB of data to be stored in 24 hours. Demonstrators will be created for archiving, marking, computing and molecular engineering applications. The CNRS is coordinating this project involving over 20 interdisciplinary laboratories, with the aim of strengthening France's position in the national and European research communities.

"Intelligent" video surveillance, facial recognition, predictive mapping, etc. are all devices that renew police action. They are supposed to build “safe cities” / “safe cities” thanks to the contributions of artificial intelligence (AI). Three main questions articulate the research:
1) Following the hypothesis of a "scientification" of police knowledge, we will wonder how algorithmic processes change the modes of knowledge and representation of crime phenomena: do we go from a police of information to "big data policing"?
2) Do these tools lead public security policies towards predictive action or are they above all tools for rationalizing police activity (by providing the police hierarchy with more precise indicators on the action field police officers)?
3) Finally, it is a question of analyzing how the debate on AI tools for urban security purposes – raising strong issues of public freedoms and the protection of personal data – pushes researchers and IT developers to integrate political and social issues into their scientific and technical productions.

Non-reciprocity is of great interest for developing compact, integrated RF isolators and circulators that go beyond bulky solutions based on Faraday rotation in ferrites. These are valuable tools for both current communication systems and future quantum systems. Two approaches can be considered to manipulate the Parity-Time (PT) symmetry in spin cavitronics, which can lead to a non-reciprocal behavior.
- The first one is based on the introduction of a chiral coupling between magnons and photons,
- While the second is based on the ability to tune between (and combine) conservative and dissipative coupling regimes and to use antiresonances.
ICARUS has two objectives. On the fundamental side, we will study the control conditions of PT symmetry in coherent and dissipative spin cavitronics devices. On the applied side, we aim at realizing new concepts of RF isolators and circulators using the non-reciprocity of spin cavitronics devices. Finally, we will extend these approaches from the X-bands (8-12 GHz) to the W-bands (75-110 GHz), moving from well-known garnet-based ferrimagnetics to unexplored antiferromagnetic materials.

To set out future-proof pathways to strengthen democracy through improving accountability, transparency and effectiveness of media production and expanding active and inclusive citizenship, the project aims to clarify the extent to which European media perform their democratic functions. By applying an innovative multi-method design the project will cover (1) perspectives of both representative and participatory notions of democracy as they exist in European societies, (2) the entire range of news media, regardless of distribution channel, ownership and source of financing, (3) the legal and (self-)regulatory framework under which media houses and journalism operate, (4) the media's potential to promote and support political participation (supply side), and (5) the media use patterns, communication needs and democratic attitudes of the audiences (demand side) in the EU Member States.

AUFRANDE is a highly ambitious 15.6M€ interdisciplinary doctoral training program linking France and Australia through 64 unique doctoral training positions. Led by RMIT Europe with participation of 22 French and 15 Australian academic partners and supported by over 40 non-academic partners

Smart digital tools for the sustainable, human-centric and resilient use of
For a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang, the universe consisted of an extremely hot mix of the elementary particles quarks and gluons at a temperature a couple of hundred thousand times that at the centre of the sun.
Over the past several decades, physicists working with particle accelerators have been smashing nucleus together at tremendous speeds to recreate this quark–gluon plasma (QGP). The experiments are shedding light on the birth of our universe.
Statistical physics shows strong benefits when describing multi-scale complex systems such as: fluid turbulence, climate or neural signals. In particular, Information Theory exhibits strong potentialities in the study of complex systems due to its power to characterize non-linear behaviors. Moreover in the last years, AI models have been strongly developed to deal with a large number of scientific questions, and more particularly complex systems. Thus, SCALES proposes to combine this IT framework with AI models to characterize interactions among the scales of complex systems.

Imaging the brain activity is fundamentally important for many brain-related scientific disciplines.