Incoming mobility/research momentum
Hosting international scientists - Visiting professors
IMT Atlantique invites, hosts and prepares visits for doctoral students or teacher-researchers from overseas institutions. These trips for research projects within our departments, for a period of between 10 days and 1 year, can grant the status of associate researcher on consideration of the researcher's scientific file. This can be renewed for a period of 6 months to 3 years.
Support for scientific teams in conducting research projects
To encourage its laboratories and researchers to participate in the construction of the European Research Area, IMT Atlantique's Research and Innovation Department supports research teams in setting up, negotiating, managing and administrating European projects.
It should be noted that in the European and global space of higher education and research establishments, the International Relations and Academic Partnerships Department supports projects led by teacher-researchers in connection with the ERAMUS+ program with the school's international academic partners.